eSchool Today
E School Today: Your Cool Facts and Tips on Earthquakes
Explains what earthquakes are, what causes them, the different types, tsunamis that can be caused by them, and how to prepare if living in an earthquake-prone area.
Explore the Ready website for an overview of how families and businesses can prepare for emergencies, threats, and disasters by building kits, making plans, and staying informed. Find safety information about biological threats,...
Read Works
Read Works: Starting Over
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students read about rebuilding after a disaster. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in comparing and contrasting.
Weather Wiz Kids
Weather Wiz Kids: Volcanos
Great resource for learning all about tornadoes. Find out how they are formed, how they erupt, the different types, and notable volcanic eruptions. Also includes safety tips, animations, and activities.
The Tsunami Page: Earthquakes in China
This website provides information about the three major earthquakes in China. The 1556 Shaanxi quake, the Haicheng quake in 1975 and the quake in Tangshan in 1976. Provides details of each earthquake.