"How the Grinch Stole Christmas" Lesson Ideas
There are many creative activities that can be done to extend the learning after reading "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas."
By Deborah Reynolds

“How the Grinch Stole Christmas” by Dr. Seuss is a classic tale about learning the true meaning of giving, sharing, and family. The Grinch hates Christmas, and for fifty-three years he tries to end it by taking all of the presents and food in Who-ville. At the end of the story, he realizes that Christmas can be celebrated without those things because the true meaning of the holiday does not come in a box or wrapping paper.
It is not only an inspirational story, but it also contains a wealth of possibilities for lessons. Here are a few ideas. Students could practice sequencing. Have them create a timeline of the events that take place from Christmas Eve until Christmas morning. They could choose to sequence what the Grinch did or what the Who-ville characters did.
There are many possibilities for higher-level questioning and discussions as well. When the Grinch is preparing to dress as Santa and take all of the Christmas goodies from Who-ville, the reindeer are scarce. Where were the reindeer? Also, the story begins with explaining why the Grinch hates Christmas and questioning why he hates it so much. The only reason given was that his heart is two sizes too small. What could have caused the Grinch to hate Christmas? Have students come up with a hypothesis and examples from the story to support their view.
Also, this story can insprire students to write. Students can write a sequel to the book telling what happened after the Grinch came to Who-ville and carved the roast beef, or they could write about Christmas Eve from the point of view of Max, the Grinch’s dog. How did he feel when he was dressed as a reindeer? How did he feel about Christmas and Who-ville?
This children’s classic can bring delight. It is full of engaging possibilities for discussions, activities, and writing assignments. Bridge the familiar with creative, higher-level thinking, and students will enjoy learning and growing with this classic Christmas story. What follows are lessons to explore this and other types of literature.
Learning About Literature Activities:
This lesson uses the book "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" to practice summarizing. The students are divided into groups and given pages to read. Students take notes during the reading and answer the 5-W’s to summarize what was read.
This lesson has four different activities related to "The Cat in the Hat" by Dr.Seuss. One activity has students writing a birthday message for the Cat in the Hat. A second is to have students poll ten kids, find out their favorite book, and graph the results. A homonyms activity involves creating sentences using the words allowed and aloud. Lastly, there is a link to Project 236 with has activity sheets and resources to use with the lesson.
This lesson involves creating a Field Day in collaboration with a school reading specialist. This is great for kinesthetic learners. Different elements of the story are incorporated into physical education activities.
The Grinch Who Stole Christmas
This lesson provides writing prompts to go with "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas." This lesson has six out of the box writing prompts. These prompts are great for text-to-self connections.