Lesson Planning Articles
Timely and inspiring curriculum planning and teaching ideas and strategies that you can apply in your own classroom. These articles are written by experienced Pre-K-12 teachers and provide you with useful links to lesson plans that have been reviewed by our teacher team.

Why Is Language Important?
Why is language important? Or better yet, why is such a complicated language important? Having the biological ability to speak is not necessarily justification for creating a language that allows us to share complex thought, feelings, and emotions. Anthropologists would argue that language was initially created in an effort to organize hunting expeditions. Sociologists would look at our overwhe...
Recent Articles

The Goals of Independent Learning
How many times have you heard your coworkers say, “When I was in school, we were quiet. We did our work and never bothered the teacher”? I am often forced to ask myself, is this the goal of a well-...

Grammar Guide: Sentence Structure
This is part six of a six-part series that focuses on various grammar topics. Check the Lesson Planet Community for the previous five installments, or click on the topics in the paragraph...

Everybody Wants a Job
Even before the age of two, my daughter leapt at any opportunity to help out around the house, and if she missed an opportunity, she created one. She would come running if I announced that I had a ...

Collaborative Strategic Reading
Have you started incorporating close reading strategies into your classroom yet? And more importantly, how is it working out? Let’s talk about enhancing your current strategies to include student c...

Grammar Guide: Parallelism
This is part five of a six-part series that focuses on various grammar topics. Check the Lesson Planet Community each Wednesday for the next installment.
Maybe it's just the fine state of Tenn...