Economics Education Articles for Teachers

The Five W's of Tax Day
While by no means a holiday in which schools, banks, and post offices are shut down, tax-day has become famous in its own right for the stress, anxiety, and workload it brings to many adult Americans. Students are often acquainted with the concept of taxation throughout their school years; howeve...

Stock Wars: Bringing Wall Street to your Classroom
The Stock Market can be a very abstract and complicated concept for students to grasp. With complex and specific terminology, multiple markets, and hundreds of tickers, a unit on Wall Street is a difficult one to learn out of a text book. Help your class fully understand the basic concepts and wo...

Making the Classroom Desk a Trading Desk
Even though the economy is only slightly less important than the air we breathe, it’s hard to get today’s youth engaged in learning economics. The abstract language and theories are off-putting, and don’t seem relevant to their daily lives. One way I’ve found to motivate students to explore our e...

Taking Stock in the New York Stock Exchange
Mark your calendars! May 17, 2013 is the 221st anniversary of the New York Stock Exchange’s humble beginnings beneath a buttonwood tree on Wall Street in New York City. Twenty-four brokers, five securities, and one monumental step — the Buttonwood Agreement — toward what would later become the la...

Sticking to a Budget
It’s inevitable. One day, our learners will be out in the real world spending and earning money. Hopefully, they will be functioning as a productive part of our economy. I can’t help but wonder, are we preparing them with a healthy financial literacy? Or, are we expecting a “you’ll figure it...