Educational Technology Education Articles for Teachers

Bring Your Lessons to Life with Videos
Over the years, I have found that using movie and video clips to enhance my instruction has been one of the most effective teaching tools available. Simply put, in an age where children are constantly exposed to visual images, it only makes sense to use video to bring the curriculum alive in a wa...

Common Core Technology for K-5 Learners
Most of our classroom clients already spend an undeniably large amount of time in front of screens playing video games, texting their friends, and watching television. However, to be college and career ready in the 21st century, they need to master the use of technology for academic and prof...

Connected Educators Month
August 2012 is Connected Educator Month (CEM). In honor of the 21st century reality of ubiquitous social media and emerging Web technologies — which the CEM website claims are “helping hundreds of thousands of educators learn, reducing isolation and providing ‘just in time’ access to knowledge an...

Bringing the World of Educational Apps Into Your Classroom
Educational Apps......Are They Worth the Trouble?
I know many of you must be saying, "Enough already!" when it comes to keeping up with all of the technological advances being introduced into today's classrooms. Incorportating SMARTBoards, laptops, educational software, electronic communication, ...

Top Budget-Friendly Ways to Include Interactive Technology in the Classroom
There are examples of technology all around us, and the ways we approach tasks are constantly changing. The classroom should be a place in which students can explore and embrace these new developments; advances in technology can be used as a way to supplement curriculum and enrich the learning en...

Interactive Whiteboard Lessons Made Accessible
Putting new technology into the hands of students can invigorate and add excitement to even the most mundane topics. Imagine your students eagerly vying to be the first to complete daily oral language practice or be the first to answer a list of math facts. Many educators are using interactive wh...