Teacher Education Articles for Teachers

Adding Humor to Your Lessons is No Laughing Matter
Though many people, including my husband, think of me as a straight-laced, serious person, one of my most memorable lessons from my middle school years was putting together a short comedy bit about a current event. In it, I played a reporter trying to get Qadafi spelled right for the segment titl...

Translating Teacher Talk
It seems counter-intuitive to write about teacher talk on a website for teachers; however, many teachers often forget that they lapse into a slew of vocabulary that carries enormous implied meaning. The longer a teacher is in the education world, the more likely he is to use a teacher dialect com...

Cultivate Active Discussion of Assigned Texts
"So what did you think about this section?" Silence. A few shrugs. "Did anything stand out to you?" Crickets. Students avoid eye contact. "What is a symbol in the book?" The class is quieter than it has ever been before.
Sound familiar? It's so easy to slip into asking open questions after readi...

Summer Reading to Encourage Professional Development
Take a deep breath. You did it! You completed another year of teaching and learning. Now is the season to revive, motivate, and get inspired for the upcoming school year. Just as your pupils left for summer break armed with the proverbial summer reading list, it’s important that you, the teacher,...

Create the Habit of Reflective Writing
What went right? What could have gone better? Did I meet my goals? These are some of the questions I reflect upon as I write in my journal. Reflective writing is an important practice for all professional educators, rookies, and veterans alike. During my undergraduate studies, most of the profess...

Part Two: A Truly Inspirational Book List for Teachers
As a continuation from my previous article listing great books for teachers, I have provided three more books below that I think would be beneficial to explore.
Mathematical Fun, Games and Puzzles by Jack Frohlichstein
I realize that this may seem like a strange choice at first glance. However...

Part One: A Truly Inspirational Book List For Teachers
I’m sure if you searched on the Internet, you’d find many lists titled “Best Books for Teachers.” I compiled a list of books that have genuinely inspired me, and I will talk about them over a two-part article series. I chose only the books that have caused significant changes in the way I approac...

Appreciate Those Who Teach!
Teaching is a profession that is often filled with rewards as big as the challenges that are faced each day. Teachers are hard working, highly educated people with one major goal: to better the youth of America. Teacher Appreciation Week, May 6-10,2013, is an entire week devoted to those who will...

Rushing to Succeed
In our rush to cover all aspects of the standards, we are constantly under pressure to produce tangible results. We want our students to turn in something that will impress our department heads, look good in student portfolios, or satisfy parents and enable us to check a box.
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Guiding Your Curriculum with the Help of Essential Questions
When you sit down and look at a list of the standards that need to be taught in a school year, it can get rather overwhelming. Some school districts give their teachers a pacing guide with a year’s worth of curriculum laid out. For me, this seems like a mixed blessing. It’s a great tool if you’re...

Using Creative Techniques to Get Students to Read
Sometimes trying to get students to read can be challenging. One of the reasons students give for not wanting to read is that that they can’t find books that they find interesting. Teachers can provide a list of books that they think students might like, but this might not do the trick. Here are ...

A Politically Correct Version of Hangman
In the politically correct environment of the 21st Century, teachers are coming under fire for doing and saying things in the classroom that previously did not cause any problems. I know a teacher who was reprimanded for playing the classic game Hangman in her class, because a parent thought that...

A Summer Reading List for Math Teachers
Summer is the perfect season to catch up on your reading. This summer, I selected books to read that other teachers might find enjoyable. They are also connected to ideas that I would like to further develop in articles this coming year. In this article you will discover some books I found at my ...

Creative Homework Assignments Can Motivate Students
It’s easy to get into a routine in which you give students the same type of homework each week. There’s usually a spelling packet and math worksheets involved. While these types of homework assignments serve a purpose, there are ways to incorporate additional activities to make learning at home a...

Goal Setting and Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone
Teachers often have their students participate in goal setting activities. While it’s true that it is a good idea to learn how to set goals, and meet them, from a young age, it’s also a splendid idea for teachers to do the same. Even if you teach the same grade every year, and the standards don’t...