March Curriculum Calendar - Lesson Plan Ideas by Date
Enhance your current curriculum with this fun reference calendar. Whether you want to highlight historic events, honor birthdays of significant people, or celebrate holidays, this is a valuable tool for every teacher. Click on any event to find a breadth of related teaching resources that will spark new ideas to spice up your daily lessons. There's something worth celebrating every day!
Curriculum Calendar
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thur | Fri | Sat |
W.E.B. Du Bois born (1868)
Also try:
civil rights, NAACP
Children in Pittsburgh receive first polio vaccine (1954)
Also try:
vaccines, modern medicine
Steve Jobs is born (1955)
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US House of Representatives vote to impeach President Andrew Johnson (1868)
Also try:
impeachment, checks and balances
Anthony Burgess born (1917)
Also try:
A Clockwork Orange, dystopia
Victor Hugo born (1802)
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Les Miserables
Grand Teton National Park established (1929)
Also try:
National Park Service, Calvin Coolidge
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow born (1807)
Also try:
lyric poetry
John Steinbeck born (1902)
Also try:
The Grapes of Wrath, Of Mice and Men
Digital Learning Day
Also try:
education technology
National Tooth Fairy Day
Also try:
dental hygiene
DNA structure discovered (1953)
Also try:
double helix, genetics
Women's History Month begins
Also try:
women's rights, gender equality
Frederic Chopin born (1810)
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Romantic era
Salem Witch Trials begin (1692)
Also try:
the Crucible
Yellowstone becomes world's first national park (1872)
Also try:
national parks
Ramadan begins, North America
Also try:
Islam, Muslim calendar
Read Across America Day
Also try:
literature, reading skills
Dr. Seuss born (1904)
Also try:
Seuss political cartoons, Green Eggs and Ham
Republic of Texas declares independence from Mexico (1836)
Also try:
The Alamo
Florida becomes the 27th state in the United States (1845)
Also try:
statehood, Everglades
"The Star-Spangled Banner" becomes national anthem (1931)
Also try:
national anthem
Mardi Gras
Also try:
carnival masks
National Grammar Day
Antonio Lucio Vivaldi born (1678)
Also try:
Baroque period
The Boston Massacre (1770)
Also try:
American Revolution
Stapler patented in England by C.H. Gould (1868)
Also try:
school supplies, inventions
Michelangelo born (1475)
Also try:
Renaissance art, sculpture
Decision reached in the Dred Scott case (1857)
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Missouri Compromise, slavery
Alexander Graham Bell patents telephone (1876)
Also try:
Alexander Graham Bell, inventions
National Proofreading Day
Also try:
writing process, peer editing
The New York Stock Exchange founded (1817)
Also try:
stock market, financial literacy
The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith published (1776)
Also try:
Adam Smith, free market economy
Ulysses S. Grant appointed commander of the Union Army (1864)
Also try:
American Civil War
Daylight Saving Time begins
Also try:
time zones, seasons
Harriet Tubman Day
Also try:
underground railroad, abolitionists
National Pack a Lunch Day
Also try:
nutrition, balanced diet
US Senate lowers voting age to 18 (1971)
Also try:
voting rights, democracy
A Raisin in the Sun debuts on Broadway (1959)
Also try:
Lorraine Hansberry, Broadway plays
A 9.0 magnitude earthquake strikes Japan, resulting in the second largest nuclear accident in history (2011)
Also try:
tsunamis, nuclear disasters
National Plant a Flower Day
Also try:
plants, pollination
Jack Kerouac born (1922)
Also try:
Beat generation
Moscow becomes capital of revolutionary Russia (1918)
Also try:
Truman Doctrine enacted (1947)
Also try:
Cold War, Harry Truman
National Good Samaritan Day
Also try:
kindness, compassion
Sir William Herschel discovers Uranus (1781)
Also try:
Uranus, solar system
International Social-Emotional Learning Day
Math Pi Day
Albert Einstein born (1879)
Also try:
theory of relativity, photoelectric effect
Julius Caesar assassinated (44 BC)
Also try:
Roman Empire, Ides of March
Andrew Jackson born (1767)
Also try:
US presidents
James Madison born (1751)
Also try:
US presidents
The Scarlet Letter published (1850)
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Puritans, Nathaniel Hawthorne
Saint Patrick's Day
Also try:
Irish heritage, Ireland
The Dalai Lama flees Tibet for India (1959)
British Parliament repeals the Stamp Act (1766)
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American Revolution, Declaratory Act
Cosmonaut Alexey Leonov becomes the first person to conduct a space walk (1965)
Also try:
Space Race, space exploration
National Agriculture Day
Chief Justice Earl Warren born (1891)
Also try:
supreme court, Brown v. Board of Education
The City of Boston is incorporated (1822)
Also try:
Massachusetts, New England
Spring Equinox
Also try:
four seasons
Lois Lowry born (1937)
Also try:
The Giver
Uncle Tom's Cabin published (1852)
Also try:
abolitionists, Harriet Beecher Stowe
Iraq War begins (2003)
Also try:
War on Terror
World Poetry Day
Also try:
writing poetry, types of poems
World Down Syndrome Day
Also try:
disabilities, genetic disorders
Johann Sebastian Bach born (1685)
Also try:
Baroque period, classical composers
World Water Day
Robert Millikan born (1868)
Also try:
electric charge, photoelectric effect
World Meteorological Day
Also try:
weather patterns, meteorology
Second Reconstruction Act passed (1867)
Also try:
American Civil War
Exxon Valdez causes worst oil spill in US history (1989)
Also try:
oil spill, water pollution
Constantine begins his reign as Catholic Pope (708)
Also try:
Catholicism, popes
Robert Frost born (1874)
Also try:
narrative poetry
Tennessee Williams born (1911)
Also try:
A Streetcar Named Desire
World Theatre Day
Also try:
drama, performing arts
Alaska hit by an 8.4 magnitude earthquake (1964)
Also try:
Richter scale, plate tectonics
Viking raiders sack Paris, led by Ragnar Lodbrok (845)
Also try:
Paris, French history
Three Mile Island nuclear accident occurs (1979)
Also try:
radiation, nuclear energy
Last US troops leave Vietnam (1973)
Also try:
Vietnam War
National Doctors' Day
Also try:
medical careers
Vincent van Gogh born (1853)
Also try:
famous artists, still life
The Queensboro Bridge opens (1909)
Also try:
bridges, civil engineering
Ramadan ends, North America
Also try:
Islam, Muslim calendar
Cesar Chavez born (1927)
Also try:
workers' rights
First US map published (1784)
Also try:
Eiffel Tower opens (1889)
National Poetry Month begins
Also try:
types of poetry
Financial Literacy Month begins
Also try:
personal finance, budgeting
Ruins of Pompeii rediscovered (1748)
Also try:
Mount Vesuvius, volcanoes
World Autism Awareness Day
Also try:
asperger syndrome, learning disabilities
Hans Christian Anderson born (1805)
Also try:
fairy tales, morals
National Find a Rainbow Day
Also try:
Roy G. Biv, visible light
Jane Goodall born (1934)
Also try:
First iPad sold in the US (2010)
Also try:
future of technology, mobile devices
Maya Angelou born (1928)
Also try:
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, poetry
NATO ratified (1949)
Also try:
Atlantic Alliance
Booker T. Washington born (1856)
Also try:
Atlanta Compromise
Easter Island discovered (1722)
Also try:
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