June Curriculum Calendar - Lesson Plan Ideas by Date
Enhance your current curriculum with this fun reference calendar. Whether you want to highlight historic events, honor birthdays of significant people, or celebrate holidays, this is a valuable tool for every teacher. Click on any event to find a breadth of related teaching resources that will spark new ideas to spice up your daily lessons. There's something worth celebrating every day!
Curriculum Calendar
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thur | Fri | Sat |
Audiobook Month Begins
Also try:
listening skills, literature
National Pen Pal Day
Also try:
friendly letters, friendship
The Vandals sack Rome (455)
Also try:
Ancient Rome, Roman Empire
Snyder Act is passed, granting US citizenship to Native Americans (1924)
Also try:
Native Americans
Ed White conducts first US spacewalk (1965)
Also try:
Space Race, space travel
Casey at the Bat published (1888)
The first Pulitzer Prize is awarded (1917)
19th Amendment passed (1919)
Also try:
women's suffrage, voting rights
World Environment Day
Also try:
conservationism, environmentalism
Robert F. Kennedy assassinated (1968)
Also try:
the Kennedys
US storms Normandy beaches, D-Day (1944)
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Normandy, World War II
Vatican City becomes a sovereign state (1929)
Also try:
Catholicism, popes
US defeats Japan at the Battle of Midway (1942)
Also try:
Pacific theater, World War II
World Oceans Day
Also try:
hydrosphere, marine animals
Frank Lloyd Wright born (1867)
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1984 published (1949)
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dystopia, George Orwell
Roman Emperor Nero dies (68)
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Ancient Rome
Donald Duck is "born" (1934)
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cartoons, Walt Disney
Maurice Sendak born (1928)
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Where the Wild Things Are
Benjamin Franklin's kite struck by lightning (1752)
Also try:
lightning, electricity
Great Barrier Reef discovered (1770)
Jacques Cousteau born (1910)
Also try:
marine conservation
George H. W. Bush born (1924)
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US presidents
Anne Frank born (1929)
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Holocaust, World War II
William Butler Yeats born (1865)
Also try:
poetry, Irish literature
China's Boxer Rebellion begins (1900)
Also try:
nationalism, Chinese history
Supreme Court decison on Miranda v. Arizona establishes Miranda rights (1966)
Also try:
Supreme Court decisions
First Caldecott Medal awarded (1938)
Also try:
children's books
Global Wind Day
Magna Carta signed (1215)
Also try:
rule of law
"House Divided" speech delivered (1858)
Also try:
Abraham Lincoln
New Deal program approved by Congress (1933)
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FDR, Great Depression
M.C. Escher born (1898)
Also try:
tessellation, graphic art
Statue of Liberty arrives in New York (1885)
Also try:
New York City
International Sushi Day
Also try:
Japanese food, seafood
War of 1812 begins (1812)
Also try:
military conflict
Juneteenth (Slave Liberation Day) (1865)
Also try:
Slave Liberation Day
Blaise Pascal born (1623)
Also try:
Pascal's Law, mathematicians
Summer Solstice
Also try:
four seasons, axial tilt
World Refugee Day
Also try:
human rights
NAACP incorporates (1911)
Also try:
civil rights, racial equality
The asteroid Eureka discovered (1990)
Also try:
space science
Japanese forces on Okinawa surrender to US (1945)
Also try:
Pacific theater, World War II
World Rainforest Day
Also try:
ecosystems, Amazon
US Department of Justice established (1870)
Also try:
law enforcement, federal government
United Nations Public Service Day
Also try:
United Nations
Frederick Douglass is first African American to receive nomination for US president (1888)
Also try:
US president, elections
John Cabot lands in North America (1497)
Also try:
Age of Exploration, Italian explorers
First documented UFO sighting (1947)
Also try:
extraterrestrials, science fiction
Eric Carle born (1929)
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The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Battle of Little Bighorn fought (1876)
Also try:
Custer's Last Stand
First color television broadcast (1951)
Also try:
1950s, mass communication
Bicycle patented in the US (1819)
Also try:
bike safety, inventions
50 nations sign United Nations Charter in San Francisco (1945)
Also try:
international relations
Helen Keller born (1880)
Also try:
famous women, women's suffrage
"Happy Birthday" song composed (1859)
Also try:
birthday traditions
Paul Bunyan Day
Also try:
tall tales, folktales
King Henry VIII born (1491)
Also try:
King of England, monarchy
The Globe Theatre burns to the ground (1613)
Also try:
Shakespeare, London
First iPhone released (2007)
Also try:
cell phones, modern technology
Gone with the Wind published (1936)
Also try:
American Civil War
Canada Day
Also try:
Quebec, Yukon Territory
Battle of Gettysburg (1863)
Also try:
American Civil War, Gettysburg Address
First steam engine patented (1698)
Also try:
Thomas Savery
Civil Rights Act passed after 83-day filibuster (1964)
Also try:
filibuster, legislative process
John Singleton Copley born (1738)
Also try:
portrait artist, colonial New England
Dow Jones and Company publishes first stock average (1884)
Also try:
stock market
Supernova detected within the constellation Taurus (1054)
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First recorded sighting of a tornado in the US (1643)
Also try:
natural disasters, severe weather
Isaac Newton's Principia published (1687)
Also try:
Issac Newton
The Law of Return is passed allowing Jewish people to return to Israel (1950)
Also try:
Israel-Palestine Conflict
Successful cloning of Dolly the sheep (1996)
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