September Curriculum Calendar - Lesson Plan Ideas by Date
Enhance your current curriculum with this fun reference calendar. Whether you want to highlight historic events, honor birthdays of significant people, or celebrate holidays, this is a valuable tool for every teacher. Click on any event to find a breadth of related teaching resources that will spark new ideas to spice up your daily lessons. There's something worth celebrating every day!
Curriculum Calendar
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thur | Fri | Sat |
Henry VI becomes King of England at the age of 9 months (1422)
Also try:
King of England, English monarchy
First solar-powered car demonstrated in Chicago (1955)
Also try:
renewable energy
The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway first published (1952)
Also try:
Ernest Hemingway
Bobby Fischer earns world chess title (1972)
Also try:
Bobby Fischer
Labor Day
Also try:
American Labor Movement
Victory over Japan Day (1945)
Also try:
World War II, atomic bomb
First successful open heart surgery (1952)
Also try:
surgery, medical technology
Richard "The Lionheart" crowned at Westminster (1189)
Also try:
King of England, Westminster
Treaty of Paris ends American Revolutionary War (1783)
Also try:
American Revolutionary War
Henry Hudson discovers Manhattan (1609)
Also try:
New York, Age of Discovery
Google founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin (1998)
Also try:
search engine, Digital Age
First Continental Congress assembles in Philadelphia (1774)
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Intolerable Acts, American Revolution
Jesse James born (1847)
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Wild West
National Read a Book Day
Also try:
novels, author study
John Dalton born (1766)
Also try:
atomic theory, chemists
US gets the nickname "Uncle Sam" (1813)
Also try:
national symbols
ESPN debuts (1979)
Also try:
sports broadcasting
National Grandparents Day
Also try:
heritage, family tree
International Literacy Day
Also try:
reading fluency, reading comprehension
International Sudoku Day
Also try:
logic puzzles, problem solving
Leo Tolstoy born (1828)
Also try:
War and Peace, Anna Karenina
World Suicide Prevention Day
Also try:
mental health
Switzerland joins the United Nations (2002)
Also try:
United Nations
September 11th Remembrance Day
Also try:
terrorism, national security
Lascaux cave paintings discovered (1940)
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Paleolithic era, anthropology
Mae Jemison becomes first African American woman in space (1992)
Milton Hershey born (1857)
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Roald Dahl born (1916)
Ivan Pavlov born (1849)
Also try:
classical conditioning, psychology
Francis Scott Key writes "The Star-Spangled Banner" (1814)
Also try:
"The Star-Spangled Banner"
Hispanic Heritage Month begins
Also try:
Latin America, Spain
Tomie dePaola born (1934)
Also try:
Strega Nona, children's books
The Nuremberg Laws deprive German Jews of citizenship (1935)
Also try:
National Coding Week Begins
Also try:
computer science
The Mayflower starts voyage to North America (1620)
Also try:
pilgrims, colonial America
Mexican Independence Day (1810)
Also try:
Mexican history
Constitution Day: US Constitution signed (1787)
Battle of Antietam fought during the American Civil War (1862)
Also try:
American Civil War
Fugitive Slave Act passed (1850)
Also try:
slavery, Underground Railroad
The New York Times first published (1851)
Also try:
newspaper, print media
Talk Like a Pirate Day
Also try:
Blackbeard, Treasure Island
Otzi the Iceman discovered (1991)
Also try:
mummy, anthropology
Upton Sinclair born (1878)
President George W. Bush declares a "war on terror" (2001)
Also try:
"war on terror"
H.G. Wells born (1866)
Also try:
War of the Worlds, science fiction
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien first published (1937)
Also try:
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings
Autumnal Equinox
Also try:
autumn, celestial sphere
President Abraham Lincoln issues a preliminary Emancipation Proclamation (1862)
Second assassination attempt made on President Gerald Ford (1975)
Also try:
US presidents
The Phantom of the Opera published (1909)
Also try:
Gaston Leroux, musical theater
Planet Neptune discovered (1846)
Also try:
outer planets, solar system
National Punctuation Day
Dwight D. Eisenhower mandates desegregation of Little Rock schools (1957)
Also try:
Dwight D. Eisenhower
William Faulkner born (1897)
Also try:
American literature
Shel Silverstein born (1930)
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The Giving Tree, poetry
Johnny Appleseed born (1774)
Also try:
apples, American pioneers
Sir Francis Drake finishes circumnavigation of the earth (1580)
Also try:
circumnavigation, European explorers
Ancestor Appreciation Day
Also try:
heritage, family tree
Samuel Adams born (1722)
William the Conqueror invades England (1066)
Also try:
Battle of Hastings
SpaceX launches first private spacecraft, the Falcon 1, into orbit (2008)
Also try:
space exploration, rockets
Miguel de Cervantes born (1547)
Also try:
Don Quixote
John D. Rockefeller becomes America's first billionaire (1916)
Also try:
oil industry
Truman Capote born (1924)
Also try:
Breakfast at Tiffany's
The Hoover Dam dedicated by FDR (1935)
Also try:
National Bullying Prevention Month
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Yosemite National Park established by US Congress (1890)
Also try:
sequoia forest
Nazi leaders are sentenced at the Nuremberg Trials (1946)
Also try:
Holocaust, war crimes
International Walk to School Day
Also try:
physical fitness, healthy habits
International Day of Non-Violence
Also try:
Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr.
World Farm Animals Day
National Butterfly and Hummingbird Day
Also try:
hummingbirds, pollinators
East and West Germany reunify (1990)
Also try:
Berlin Wall
Construction begins on Mount Rushmore (1927)
Also try:
national monuments
USSR launches Sputnik I (1957)
Also try:
space race
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