July Curriculum Calendar - Lesson Plan Ideas by Date
Enhance your current curriculum with this fun reference calendar. Whether you want to highlight historic events, honor birthdays of significant people, or celebrate holidays, this is a valuable tool for every teacher. Click on any event to find a breadth of related teaching resources that will spark new ideas to spice up your daily lessons. There's something worth celebrating every day!
Curriculum Calendar
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thur | Fri | Sat |
The Globe Theatre burns to the ground (1613)
Also try:
Shakespeare, London
First iPhone released (2007)
Also try:
cell phones, modern technology
Gone with the Wind published (1936)
Also try:
American Civil War
Canada Day
Also try:
Quebec, Yukon Territory
Battle of Gettysburg (1863)
Also try:
American Civil War, Gettysburg Address
First steam engine patented (1698)
Also try:
Thomas Savery
Civil Rights Act passed after 83-day filibuster (1964)
Also try:
filibuster, legislative process
John Singleton Copley born (1738)
Also try:
portrait artist, colonial New England
Dow Jones and Company publishes first stock average (1884)
Also try:
stock market
Supernova detected within the constellation Taurus (1054)
Also try:
First recorded sighting of a tornado in the US (1643)
Also try:
natural disasters, severe weather
Isaac Newton's Principia published (1687)
Also try:
Issac Newton
The Law of Return is passed allowing Jewish people to return to Israel (1950)
Also try:
Israel-Palestine Conflict
Successful cloning of Dolly the sheep (1996)
President George W. Bush born (1946)
Also try:
US president, elections
Republican Party formed (1854)
Also try:
political parties, democracy
Global Forgiveness Day
Also try:
character education, compassion
Hawaii is annexed by the United States (1898)
Also try:
US territories, Pacific islands
Stock market falls to lowest point during Great Depression (1932)
Also try:
Great Depression
Douglas MacArthur named commander of UN forces in Korea (1950)
Also try:
Korean War
Argentina declares independence from Spain (1816)
Also try:
South American countries, Spanish colonies
Millard Fillmore becomes president when President Zachary Taylor dies (1850)
Also try:
US presidents, Whig Party
Nikola Tesla born (1856)
Also try:
electricity, magnetism
Hottest temperature recorded on Earth measured in Death Valley (1913)
Also try:
Death Valley, deserts
Boris Yeltsin becomes Russia's first President (1991)
John Quincy Adams born (1767)
Also try:
US presidents
E.B. White born (1899)
Also try:
Charlotte's Web, Stuart Little
Henry David Thoreau born (1817)
Henry VIII weds his last wife, Catherine Parr (1543)
Also try:
Catherine Parr
Julius Caesar born (100 BC)
Also try:
Ancient Rome
Bastille Day
Also try:
French Revolution
National Shark Awareness Day
Also try:
fish, ocean animals
Rembrandt born (1606)
Also try:
Baroque style, painters
The Rosetta Stone found (1799)
Also try:
Egyptian hieroglyphs
The Manhattan Project ushers in the Atomic Age (1945)
Also try:
Atomic Age
The Catcher in the Rye published (1951)
Also try:
J.D. Salinger
Charles VII crowned King of France (1429)
Also try:
Joan of Arc, King of France
Disneyland opens (1955)
Also try:
Walt Disney, theme parks
John Glenn born (1921)
Also try:
astronaut, space exploration
Mein Kampf published (1925)
Also try:
Adolf Hiter
First women's rights convention at Seneca Falls (1848)
Also try:
women's suffrage, Elizabeth Cady Stanton
The Qing Dynasty defeats the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (1864)
Also try:
Taiping Heavenly Kingdom
First Special Olympics (1968)
Also try:
paralympics, disabilities
Apollo 11 makes first moon landing (1969)
Also try:
moon landing, space exploration
National Ice Cream Day
Also try:
making ice cream, dairy products
Ernest Hemingway born (1899)
Also try:
The Old Man and the Sea, Lost Generation
Deportation of Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto begins the Holocaust (1942)
Also try:
Jewish deportation, Holocaust
Dick Smith completes the first solo helicopter flight around the world (1983)
Also try:
flight, aerodynamics
Ford Motor Company sells first car (1903)
Also try:
Henry Ford, automobiles
Hale-Bopp comet discovered (1995)
Also try:
comets, asteroids astronomy
Brigham Young leads 148 Mormon pioneers into Salt Lake Valley (1847)
Also try:
Mormonism, Utah history
Ruins of Macchu Picchu discovered (1911)
Emmett Till born (1941)
Also try:
civil rights movement
Puerto Rico becomes a US commonwealth (1952)
Also try:
US commonwealth
Carl Jung born (1875)
Jan Berenstain born (1923)
Also try:
The Berenstain Bears
National Korean War Armistice Day
Also try:
Korean Demilitarized Zone
World War II: Allied forces successfully halt final Axis advance into Egypt (1942)
Also try:
Allied Forces
World Nature Conservation Day
Also try:
conservation, ecology
Beatrix Potter born (1866)
Also try:
The Tale of Peter Rabbit
World War I begins (1914)
Also try:
The Great War
Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien first published (1954)
Also try:
J.R.R. Tolkien, fantasy genre
NASA established (1958)
Emily Bronte born (1818)
Also try:
Wuthering Heights
Henry Ford born (1863)
Also try:
assembly line, Ford Motor Company
Uncommon Instrument Awareness Day
Also try:
music, homemade instruments
J.K. Rowling born (1965)
Also try:
Harry Potter
National Water Quality Month Begins
Also try:
water pollution, water sources
Herman Melville born (1819)
Also try:
Moby Dick
Justinian I becomes sole ruler of the Byzantine Empire (527)
Also try:
Byzantine Empire
Declaraton of Independence is signed in Philadelphia by 56 members of Congress (1776)
Also try:
equality, government
Trial run of San Francisco cable car on Clay St. (1873)
Also try:
public transportation
The Lincoln Penny first issued (1909)
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