August Curriculum Calendar - Lesson Plan Ideas by Date
Enhance your current curriculum with this fun reference calendar. Whether you want to highlight historic events, honor birthdays of significant people, or celebrate holidays, this is a valuable tool for every teacher. Click on any event to find a breadth of related teaching resources that will spark new ideas to spice up your daily lessons. There's something worth celebrating every day!
Curriculum Calendar
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thur | Fri | Sat |
National Korean War Armistice Day
Also try:
Korean Demilitarized Zone
World War II: Allied forces successfully halt final Axis advance into Egypt (1942)
Also try:
Allied Forces
World Nature Conservation Day
Also try:
conservation, ecology
Beatrix Potter born (1866)
Also try:
The Tale of Peter Rabbit
World War I begins (1914)
Also try:
The Great War
Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien first published (1954)
Also try:
J.R.R. Tolkien, fantasy genre
NASA established (1958)
Emily Bronte born (1818)
Also try:
Wuthering Heights
Henry Ford born (1863)
Also try:
assembly line, Ford Motor Company
Uncommon Instrument Awareness Day
Also try:
music, homemade instruments
J.K. Rowling born (1965)
Also try:
Harry Potter
National Water Quality Month Begins
Also try:
water pollution, water sources
Herman Melville born (1819)
Also try:
Moby Dick
Justinian I becomes sole ruler of the Byzantine Empire (527)
Also try:
Byzantine Empire
Declaraton of Independence is signed in Philadelphia by 56 members of Congress (1776)
Also try:
equality, government
Trial run of San Francisco cable car on Clay St. (1873)
Also try:
public transportation
The Lincoln Penny first issued (1909)
Christopher Columbus sets sail on his first voyage (1492)
Also try:
Age of Discovery
Calvin Coolidge becomes president after the death of President Warren G. Harding (1923)
Also try:
Warren G. Harding, US presidents
Louis Armstrong born (1901)
Also try:
Barack Obama born (1961)
Also try:
US presidents
Anne Frank and family arrested (1944)
Also try:
Holocaust, World War II
Neil Armstrong born (1930)
Also try:
astronauts, space exploration
First transatlantic telegraph cable completed (1858)
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Hiroshima Day (1945)
Also try:
World War II, atomic bomb
Alfred Lord Tennyson born (1809)
Purple Heart Day
Also try:
war heroes
First performance of Shakespeare's play, Macbeth (1606)
Also try:
William Shakespeare, tragedies
Juan Ponce de Leon founds Caparra, the first European settlement in Puerto Rico (1508)
Also try:
European explorers, Puerto Rican history
Nagasaki Day (1945)
Also try:
World War II, atomic bomb
Walden by Henry David Thoreau first published (1854)
Also try:
Henry David Thoreau, transcendentalism
Richard M. Nixon resigns (1974)
Also try:
Watergate scandal
Herbert Hoover born (1847)
Also try:
US presidents
Ruth Bader Ginsburg sworn in as an Associate Supreme Court Justice (1993)
Also try:
judicial system
The Watts Riots begin in Los Angeles (1964)
Also try:
civil rights movement
Cleopatra commits suicide with an asp (30 BC)
Also try:
Ancient Egypt
Issac M Singer parents first practical sewing machine (1851)
Also try:
home economics, textiles
Hernan Cortes captures Tenochtitlán from the Aztecs (1521)
Opha May Jacob Johnson becomes first woman to join the US Marine Corps (1918)
Also try:
first women, armed forces
President Roosevelt signs the Social Security Act (1935)
First photograph taken of Earth from space (1959)
Also try:
satellite imagery
Largest blackout in US history (2003)
Also try:
power outage, power grid
Napoleon Bonaparte born (1769)
Also try:
Napoleonic Wars
Panama Canal formally opens (1914)
Also try:
Theodore Roosevelt, Isthmus of Panama
India gains Independence from Great Britain (1947)
Also try:
British imperialism, Pakistan
First new solar system found (2001)
National Roller Coaster Day
Also try:
conservation of energy, laws of motion
Cyprus gains its independence from the United Kingdom (1960)
Also try:
European Union
Davy Crockett born (1786)
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Battle of the Alamo
Kind of Blue by Miles Davis released (1959)
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Pierre Janssen discovers helium (1868)
Also try:
noble gases, elements
William J. Clinton born (1946)
Also try:
US presidents
Five people executed after being convicted of witchcraft at the Salem Witch Trials (1692)
Also try:
Massachusetts, colonial America
Adolf Hitler becomes Fuhrer (1934)
Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture debuts (1882)
Also try:
classical music
Leon Trotsky assassinated (1940)
Also try:
Russian Civil War, Marxism
Nat Turner leads a slave rebellion (1831)
Also try:
slave rebellion
Mona Lisa painting stolen (1911)
Also try:
Leonardo da Vinci
Saint Columba reports seeing a monster in Loch Ness, Scotland (565)
Also try:
sea monsters
12 nations sign the First Geneva Convention (1864)
Also try:
war crimes
First Opium War begins with the siege of Hong Kong (1839)
Also try:
Hong Kong, Qing Dynasty
Mount Vesuvius erupts, burying Pompeii (79)
Pluto is reclassified as a dwarf planet (2006)
Also try:
dwarf planets, solar system
National Park Service established (1916)
Also try:
national monuments, conservationism
Amelia Earhart completes transcontinental flight (1932)
Also try:
transcontinental flight
Nationwide opening of the film Wizard of Oz (first color movie) (1939)
Mother Teresa born (1910)
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Krakatoa erupts (1883)
Also try:
volcanic eruptions, lava
19th Amendment takes effect (1920)
Also try:
women's suffrage, voting rights
Lyndon B. Johnson born (1908)
Also try:
US presidents
First radio commercial airs in New York City (1922)
Also try:
marketing, advertising
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivers "I Have a Dream" speech (1963)
Also try:
civil rights movement, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
First Indian reservation established (1758)
Also try:
Native American history
Hurricane Katrina hits the Gulf Coast (2005)
Also try:
hurricanes, natural disasters
Mary Shelley born (1797)
Also try:
Frankenstein, Gothic literature
Thurgood Marshall confirmed as Supreme Court Justice (1967)
Also try:
Supreme Court, judicial branch
Henry VI becomes King of England at the age of 9 months (1422)
Also try:
King of England, English monarchy
First solar-powered car demonstrated in Chicago (1955)
Also try:
renewable energy
The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway first published (1952)
Also try:
Ernest Hemingway
Bobby Fischer earns world chess title (1972)
Also try:
Bobby Fischer
Labor Day
Also try:
American Labor Movement
Victory over Japan Day (1945)
Also try:
World War II, atomic bomb
First successful open heart surgery (1952)
Also try:
surgery, medical technology
Richard "The Lionheart" crowned at Westminster (1189)
Also try:
King of England, Westminster
Treaty of Paris ends American Revolutionary War (1783)
Also try:
American Revolutionary War
Henry Hudson discovers Manhattan (1609)
Also try:
New York, Age of Discovery
Google founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin (1998)
Also try:
search engine, Digital Age
First Continental Congress assembles in Philadelphia (1774)
Also try:
Intolerable Acts, American Revolution
Jesse James born (1847)
Also try:
Wild West
National Read a Book Day
Also try:
novels, author study
John Dalton born (1766)
Also try:
atomic theory, chemists
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