May Curriculum Calendar - Lesson Plan Ideas by Date
Enhance your current curriculum with this fun reference calendar. Whether you want to highlight historic events, honor birthdays of significant people, or celebrate holidays, this is a valuable tool for every teacher. Click on any event to find a breadth of related teaching resources that will spark new ideas to spice up your daily lessons. There's something worth celebrating every day!
Curriculum Calendar
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thur | Fri | Sat |
National Tell a Story Day
Also try:
story telling, oral tradition
Samuel Morse born (1791)
Also try:
Morse code, communication technology
James Monroe born (1758)
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Founding Fathers, US presidents
Harper Lee born (1926)
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To Kill a Mockingbird
International Dance Day
Also try:
choreography, ballet
William Randolph Hearst born (1863)
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newspapers, yellow journalism
International Jazz Day
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Louis Armstrong, Bessie Smith
Louisiana Purchase (1803)
Also try:
US expansion
Asian American and Pacific Island Heritage Month begins
Also try:
Asian culture, multiculturalism
Mental Health Awareness Month begins
Also try:
emotional health, wellness
Physical Fitness and Sports Month begins
Also try:
sports, physical education
National Mother Goose Day
Also try:
nursery rhymes
King Charles II gives royal charter to Hudson's Bay Company (1670)
Also try:
fur trade, Canadian history
William Herschel discovers first binary star (1780)
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William Herschel, astronomers
World Press Freedom Day
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First Amendment
Niccolò Machiavelli born (1469)
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Italian Renaissance
Washington DC incorporated as a city (1802)
Also try:
capital cities
Spring Astronomy Day
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space exploration, solar system
International Firefighters Day
Margaret Thatcher becomes first female Prime Minister of the UK (1979)
Also try:
prime minister, parliamentary system
Four student protesters killed at Kent State (1970)
Also try:
anti-war protests, Vietnam War
Cinco de Mayo
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Battle of Puebla
National Cartoonist Day
Also try:
political cartoons, comic strips
AP Testing begins
Also try:
test taking strategies
Sigmund Freud born (1856)
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Hindenburg Disaster (1937)
National Teacher Appreciation Day
Also try:
teacher gifts
The RMS Lusitania sinks (1915)
Also try:
U-boat, submarine warfare
Tchaikovsky born (1840)
Also try:
Classical period, composers
Harry S. Truman born (1884)
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US presidents
German surrender: Victory in Europe Day (1945)
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World War II
John Brown born (1800)
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Harpers Ferry, abolitionists
MIT researchers bounce a laser off the Moon for the first time (1962)
Also try:
lasers, speed of light
Jefferson Davis captured by Union troops (1865)
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American Civil War
US transcontinental railroad completed (1869)
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Central Pacific Railroad, Union Pacific Railroad
Nelson Mandela becomes president of South Africa (1994)
Also try:
apartheid, South Africa
Salvador Dali born (1904)
Also try:
surrealism, famous artists
Richard Feynman born (1918)
Also try:
physicists, nobel prize
International Nurses Day
Also try:
medical careers
Florence Nightingale born (1820)
Also try:
nursing, Crimean War
US declares war with Mexico: Mexican-American War begins (1846)
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Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Student hunger strike in Tiananmen Square (1989)
Also try:
hunger strike
Lewis and Clark begin expedition (1804)
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Corp of Discovery
First US Space Station launched (1973)
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Skylab, space exploration
Johannes Kepler discovers his Harmonic Law (1618)
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Johannes Keplar, planetary motion
US Department of Agriculture created (1862)
Mississippi River steamboat service begins (1817)
Also try:
Mississippi River
US Bureau of Mines founded (1910)
Also try:
mining industry, mineral resources
Gary Paulson born (1939)
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Supreme Court rules on Brown v. Board of Education (1954)
Also try:
separate but equal, desegregation
John Winthrop elected first Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony (1631)
Also try:
Massachusetts Bay Colony, colonial America
Mount St. Helens erupts (1980)
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Anne Boleyn, wife of King Henry VIII, beheaded (1536)
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King Henry VIII
The Empire State Building is designated a New York City landmark (1981)
Also try:
New York City, historic landmarks
Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis patent the first blue jeans (1873)
Charles Lindbergh begins first solo transatlantic flight (1927)
Also try:
transatlantic flight
American Red Cross founded by Clara Barton (1881)
Also try:
Clara Barton, emergency preparedness
First major wagon train heading for the Pacific Northwest sets out on the Oregon Trail (1843)
Also try:
westward movement
Lassen Peak erupts (1915)
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Carolus Linnaeus born (1707)
Also try:
biological classification, taxonomy
Scott O'Dell born (1898)
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Island of the Blue Dolphins
Mary Had a Little Lamb published (1830)
Also try:
nursery rhyme
Brooklyn Bridge opens (1883)
Also try:
bridges, civil engineering
The Consitutional Convention begins in Philadelphia (1787)
Also try:
US Constitution, US government
Jesse Owens breaks six world records in one hour (1935)
Also try:
track and field
National Paper Airplane Day
Also try:
flight, engineering design
Sally Ride born (1951)
Also try:
NASA, astronauts
William and Frederick Langenheim take first photos of a solar eclipse in US (1854)
Also try:
photography, astronomy
Memorial Day
Also try:
US military, war heroes
The Queen Mary takes maiden voyage (1936)
Also try:
passenger ships
Golden Gate Bridge opens (1937)
Also try:
suspension bridges, San Fransisco
Amnesty International Day
Also try:
human rights, justice
Jim Thorpe born (1888)
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Learn About Composting Day
John F. Kennedy born (1917)
Also try:
US presidents
Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay reach Mount Everest summit (1953)
Also try:
Everest expedition, mountains
National Creativity Day
Also try:
imagination, inventions
Lincoln Memorial dedicated (1922)
Also try:
Abraham Lincoln
World No Tobacco Day
Also try:
cigarettes, healthy habits
Walt Whitman born (1819)
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