Health Education Articles for Teachers

10 Ways to Manage Anger in the Classroom
For the most part, our middle and high schoolers are able to calm down almost as quickly as they get frustrated, but what happens when you encounter an individual who has extreme trouble managing anger? Some students need more help developing this skill than others. Provide different strategies (...

Understanding the Power of Grit
There are so many factors that contribute to success. Unfortunately, there may be even more factors that contribute to failure. In today's society, we do our best to minimize the effects of failure on our youth. This is encouraged by some who feel that boosting confidence is more important t...

Try These Egg-citing Activities to Celebrate Better Breakfast Month!
Eggs... we buy them, we crack them, we eat them. They are delicious and healthy, and are a food with which most children have a strong familiarity. September is Better Breakfast Month, so read on for some lesson ideas that tie in fun with healthy eating- yum!
Eye Spy a Vitamin Game
Eggs are chock...

Get Educated During Childhood Obesity Awareness Month
Every September since 2010, Childhood Obesity Awareness Month has given pediatricians, teachers, government officials, and parents the opportunity to raise awareness of just how deadly this epidemic is, and how we can help to tackle the problem.
Alarming statistics:
Obesity rates have tripled in...

Eight Ways to Celebrate Fruit
Biting into a thirst-quenching slice of watermelon on a hot summer day. Taking a crisp bite of an apple right off the branch. Slicing up a banana to add flavor to our bland cereal. Fruit is delicious! It is an essential part of our diet, and many of us eat a wide variety every day. Children will ...

Allergies Versus the Common Cold
The days of warmer weather, increasing daylight, and the anticipation of summer vacation are upon us. For children, spring fever is often accompanied by allergies as well. About twenty percent of the American population suffers from some sort of allergy - food, polle...

A New Year, A New-and-Improved You!
There must be a reason that National Mentoring Month falls in January. Perhaps it’s aimed at a time when people are assessing their goals and creating new plans for the future. Take advantage of the time for reflection by aiming to develop self-mentoring skills so you can continue to grow yo...

Encouraging Introverts in an Extroverted World
Being shy is a topic that is currently being addressed in exciting ways. As teachers, it is our job to not only take personal note of those who are uncomfortable with speaking up in class, but also to slowly and kindly encourage them to contribute to their classroom community.
Create an Environme...

What Would Ben Franklin Do?
A short study of Ben Franklin's Autobiography can take us in many different directions. Students can study Franklin as a politician, a humorist, a scientist, an inventor, a businessman, or maybe even as America's first self-help guru. No matter what aspect of Ben's life we bring into th...

Aha! Moments...Celebrate Them
When was the last time you found yourself really thinking, or even saying outright, "I didn't know that," while simultaneously realizing the zing of new understanding? Your experience, as you may already know, has a fun term linked to it. Your moment of realization is called an “Aha Moment.”

Bring Out the Parasols: Skin Cancer Awareness in the Classroom
Picture the pioneers, crossing America with blistering sun exposure. We don’t often think of how they coped with the issues of skin cancer. Although some Native American tribes did use the white powder of aspen bark to protect their skin, sunscreen, as we know it, wasn’t mass-produced until the l...

Be Screen-Free for a Week
What is Screen-Free Week?
Formally known as TV-Turnoff week, Screen-Free Week (April 30-May 6, 2012) is an annual event presented by the Campaign for Commercial-Free Childhood to promote a healthy lifestyle, in which children “turn off screens and turn on life.” For one week, non-profit organizat...

Real Food in the Classroom
Nutrition is a hot topic in classrooms all over the country. More and more, schools are stepping in to educate children about good nutrition and the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Teachers might show presentations about nutritional topics or discuss the hazards of a junk-food diet as part of th...