Teacher Resources Education Articles for Teachers

Fluency Activities: Fun, Fast, and Totally Feasible
As a teacher, we constantly strive to reinforce basic skills and principles so that we can spend more time getting to the meat of a lesson, pushing our kids to be critical and analytical thinkers. Incorporating fluency activities helps me do that! As you plan or refine next year’s units, consider...

The 1:1 Transition: Making Implementation Successful for Teachers
Across the nation, there has been much publicity and discussion concerning the 1:1 implementation of tablets in the classroom. While tablets are new, 1:1 computing is not. Seasoned veterans of this foray into classroom application of technology have been innovating and cultivating 1:1 cultur...

The Paperless Classroom: Websites that Help You Go Digital
Let's face it—for most of us teachers, using paper is simply a fact of everyday life. From worksheets to journals, math problems to science reports, paper is a vehicle that helps document and facilitate student learning. Whether your classroom has a tablet for every learner, or a few desktop moni...

The 1:1 Transition: Paving a Smooth Road for Students
Pretend you're driving your reliable, 10-year-old car to a new destination. You haven't been down this particular road before, but you know how to operate the vehicle to get there. This is kind of what it's like when transitioning from traditional teaching to a 1:1 scenario.
Will it be a s...
Get Organized! Three Websites All Teachers Should Know About
Papers to grade, parents to call, lessons to plan. As a teacher, squeezing every last moment out of the day becomes a highly refined art. Here are three websites that will help in your quest. And to sweeten the deal, they're all free.
Paper planners quiver in their boots when this site com...

Encourage Success with Consistency
Do your students know what to expect when they walk into your classroom? Providing a consistent classroom schedule is an essential component of student success. Although this isn’t possible every day throughout the school year, providing your class with an easy-to-follow daily routine is b...

Control the Classroom from Day One
To be completely honest, the first few days of school are my least favorite. The new faces, the changes in scheduling, and the lack of meaningful class work is just frustrating. Even as a child, I never liked the "getting to know you" games and the lazy atmosphere to kick off the year. The first ...

Start Planning for the Fall Now
Start planning for the fall? Now? It’s May! I know you might be thinking, I don't even want to think about the fall right now; Are you crazy? I understand completely. But, if you are like me, you actually want to have a few minutes of summer to relax in-between college classes, family v...

Making the Impossible, Possible
Do you ever wish you had enough books to replace your worn out class set? Or a new iPad to help struggling learners work on phonemes independently? Do you wish you could take your class to an amusement park to study velocity in context? Just because you can’t personally fund your classroom wishes...

Why the Common Core?
As of summer 2012, forty-five states and three United States territories have parted with individual state standards to join the Common Core State Standards Initiative. The Common Core is a state-led (not federal) initiative to establish clear and measurable standards in the areas of mathematics ...

Is Your Classroom Ready for a Natural Disaster?
According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), September is National Disaster Preparedness Month. This is perfectly timed with the start of the school year and provides a great opportunity to get your classroom stocked and prepared for the unlikely event of a natural disaster. Accor...

Many Advantages of a Lesson Study
According to Clea Fernandez and Makoto Yoshida in their book Lesson Study: A Japanese Approach to Improving Mathematics Teaching and Learning, “Lesson study is a direct translation for the Japanese term jugyokenkyu, which is composed of two words: jugyo, which means lesson, and kenkyu, ...

New Year's Resolutions for Teachers
At the beginning of a new year, teachers, like everyone else, make resolutions. Most of the time, these resolutions involve private concerns like losing weight, taking a new class, exercising more, etc. However, the New Year provides a great time for teachers to take a look at their teaching styl...

Keeping Spirits Bright
The holiday season has arrived in full force. While it is only the second week of December, I have noticed students already starting to get antsy for winter break. During this time, I like to have a list of exciting transition or sponge activities to do in-between lessons, or when there are a few...

Classroom Management Tips
With so much to do in anticipation of another never-stressful and always-fun school year, some things might get overlooked, like classroom management. Before I start listing my classroom management tips, let me say that there is no greater classroom management strategy than gaining the trust and ...