Lesson Planet's Summer Writing Challenge
Take part in an online learning community and win prizes by participating in Lesson Planet's first Summer Writing Challenge!
By Stef Durr

With the 2013-2014 school year being a target year for Common Core implementation, the teaching team here at Lesson Planet recognizes the need to help our learning community further familiarize themselves with the Common Core writing standards. Beginning June 24th and running for six consecutive weeks, the contest presents prompts for the three categories of writing highlighted in the Common Core:
- Narrative
- Informative
- Argument
Each Monday (from June 24th through August 5th), a member of our teaching team will present the week’s prompt to our online community. Then, until the following Thursday at 5:00 pm PST, participants can send in one submission (400 words or less) to be reviewed by our team of credentialed teachers. All of the submissions will be assessed using a set of Common Core-aligned rubrics created by our very own experienced educators. Weekly winners will be announced each Sunday throughout the six-week contest.
Who Can Participate?
The Summer Writing Challenge is open to anyone over the age of 16 that currently resides in the United States. While ideal for educators, all writers are encouraged and welcomed to apply.
Why Should I Take Part in the Challenge?
If you’re an educator, it’s the perfect opportunity to better acquaint yourself with the writing standards and sharpen your own writing skills. Although the writing prompts are geared toward our challenge’s population of age 16 and above, the materials could be modified for use across multiple grade levels. It’s also an opportunity to avoid the summer slide yourself. Stay sharp by enlivening your own writing while participating in an online learning community.
So, is it just for educators? Absolutely not! Our teaching team encourages all students, administrators, and others passionate writers to participate.
Are There Prizes?
We know it’s summer, and sometimes that six-hour BBQ or a trip to the park sounds more appealing than most anything else. So, we’re offering some enticing incentives to stir up excitement. To start, all participants will receive a packet of teaching materials created by our in-house educators. Provided for you are dozens of writing prompts specific to narrative, argument, and informative writing. In addition, our teachers have created Common Core-aligned rubrics to assess the three types of writing at each grade level. We’ve been hard at work, and we can’t wait to share these materials with our Lesson Planet learning community!
In addition to the teaching materials, Lesson Planet is offering each weekly winner one of the following prizes: (Prizes vary by week.)
- Free Lesson Planet memberships (or extensions for those who currently hold memberships)
- Amazon gift cards
- Sets of Moleskine journals.
The final week of the contest, we’ll draw for the grand prize: a Kindle Fire!
Who Qualifies for the Grand Prize?
Anyone who sends in a submission that follows the prompt’s guidelines and exhibits proficiency (as deemed by the in-house teaching team) will earn a ticket for the grand prize drawing. You don’t have to participate in all six weeks to qualify, although that will increase your chance of winning!
Where Can I Find More Information?
The team here at Lesson Planet will be updating our Facebook page to keep everyone informed. Like our Facebook page to stay up to date on the contest, find the weekly prompts, access the rubrics with which they'll be assessed, and read the winning submissions. Also, visit our Pinterest page to view a host of writing prompts and other materials designed for writing days. Lesson Planet enjoys offering a summer learning community. We hope you’ll join us for our first Summer Writing Challenge, and best of luck!