
Climate Action in Language Education lesson plans

Collector: Ann V.

The 11 lessons in the Climate Action in Language Education collection, designed for English as a Second Language and English Language Development classes, permits instructors to bring environmental and sustainability issues into the classroom. The lessons are available in two versions, for classroom-based lessons and online teaching. The first lesson in the collection,” A Green Classroom,” is suitable for use with primary learners aged 6-8 years at elementary level (CEFR A1) and above. Scholars compare pictures of two classrooms and discuss how one is more environmentally conservative than the other. They then make a list of ways they can make their own classrooms greener. “A New Logo for the World Wildlife Fund,” designed for use with primary learners aged 9-11 years at pre-intermediate level (CEFR A2) and above, asks learners to create a new logo for the Wildlife Fund that displays a less popular endangered animal. “Sports in (Climate) Crisis,” suitable for use with older teenagers at advanced level (CEFR C1) and above has scholars read an article about the effects sports have on the environment and then complete a problem tree sheet to brainstorm solutions for the issue. “Fast Fashion” is designed for use with younger teenagers aged 12–15 at pre-intermediate level (CEFR A2) and above. Scholars analyze a worksheet about fast fashion in which clothes are made cheaply so people purchase more. Pupils discuss the effects this type of fashion has on the environment before exploring the benefits of upcycling. Suitable for use with older teenagers at intermediate level (CEFR B1) and above, “Upcycling” is about what it means to give products new life. Language learners complete a crossword puzzle, read and discuss an article, and play a game about upcycling ideas. In “Buy, Use, Toss,” suitable for use with lower secondary learners at intermediate level (CEFR B1) and above, scholars learn about the impact of waste on the planet, sorting trash into necessary and luxury piles. “Family Footprint” is suitable for use with younger teenage learners of English at upper-intermediate level and above. Working in small groups, pupils design a questionnaire to survey classmates about their carbon footprints. The last lesson in the collection, “Water for All” is designed for adult learners of English at intermediate level or above. Pupils discover some of the environmental impacts of the workplace and complete a worksheet on 21st-century jobs before they work in small groups to collaboratively write four ideas about the future of work.

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