Lesson Plan

Screen play writing

Writing creatively can be hard!  Students with little or no background in creative writing will love this film-making project.  They choose a book or story they like, then in partners go through the process of planning-writing- and filming! 
  First they choose any story.  Then, they map out the details of the story and plan each scene (Part A).  Then, they learn a little about screen writing and what is important to include (Part B).  Then they film it (Part C) and show it to the class.  Each section has a rubric (that follows their writing handout) and at the end there is a self and partner evaluation (Part D).  There is a checklist that goes at the front so students cannot move to other sections without getting signed off by the teacher first.  This way the marking happens instantaneously and there is a spot for feedback in order to improve the next section.  Happy Movie-Making!


Worksheet built off of:

1) http://www.mensaforkids.org/MFK2/assets/File/Teach/LessonPlans/Lesson_screenplays.pdf

2) http://www.mensaforkids.org/teach/lesson-plans/writing-a-screenplay/

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Resource Details
4th - 5th
Resource Types