Curated OER
Decimals and Batting Averages #6
In this decimals and batting averages worksheet, students compute 9 batting averages to complete the chart, then answer 5 questions about the data in the chart.
Curated OER
Decimals and Batting Averages
In this decimals and batting averages worksheet, students compute 9 batting averages to complete the chart, then answer 5 questions about the data in the chart.
Curated OER
Estimated Quotients Are Too Large or Too Small
In this division worksheet, 5th graders use division to find batting averages in 6 word problems. They divide the number of hits by the number of times at bat to find the quotients.
Curated OER worksheet
Algebra learners can practice solving one-step equations using both addition and subtraction with decimal numbers. A few problems challenge the pupil to write and solve their own equation based on information given in a table.
Curated OER
Round Whole Numbers and Decimals
In this rounding whole numbers and decimals practice worksheet, learners sharpen their problem solving skills as they solve six story problems.
Curated OER
Decimals Worksheet Practice
In this decimal worksheet, students write decimals in words, complete word problems and write results in scientific notation.
Curated OER
Decimal Stories
In this decimal worksheet, learners fill in decimal numbers in a story, choosing from a "decimal box" at the top of the page, filling in blanks so that the story makes sense.
Curated OER
Solving Problems Involving Percents
In this math worksheet, students solve the problems that involve the percents. Then they apply the operations to the word problems.
Curated OER
Applications With Percents
For this math worksheet, students solve the word problems using percents. They pay special attention to choosing the correct operation for each.
Curated OER
Extra Practice 11: Applications With Percents
In this percent worksheet, students read short stories, determine the information needed, write an algebraic equation and evaluate the problem. Problems include simple interest, sale price, and tax rates. There are nine percent problems...
Curated OER
Solving Problem Involving Percents- Practice Worksheet
In this middle to high school math worksheet, students practice solving short work problems that involve percents. They solve 12 problems on the page.