Curated OER
Weather Crossword
In this weather crossword puzzle activity, students use the 16 clues and the word bank to fill in the blanks in this crossword puzzle.
Curated OER
Le Temps Crossword Puzzle
Review weather vocabulary terms with your beginning French language learners. There are 19 terms listed at the top of the page, and your learner must use the English translation to find the correct French word for each space in the...
Curated OER
Science Crossword Puzzle
Class members read 25 clues about all areas of science, including biology, chemistry, weather, physical science, and insert their answers into a crossword puzzle. There is no word bank and the students would need experience with tough...
Curated OER
Science Crossword Puzzles - Weather Instruments
Naming weather instruments will enable learners to fill in this crossword puzzle. There are seven questions about structure and component definition.
Curated OER
Weather Crossword Puzzle Worksheet
In this weather vocabulary worksheet, students read 20 clues pertaining to storms and weather science. Students fit answers in a crossword puzzle. There is no word bank.
Curated OER
Weather: Crossword Puzzle
In this geography activity, students use the 13 clues in order to fill in the crossword puzzle with the appropriate answers pertaining to weather.
Curated OER
Weather Crossword
In this weather crossword puzzle worksheet, students read 8 clues relating to weather themed words and then solve a crossword puzzle. A word bank is not provided.
Curated OER
Spring Weather Crossword Puzzle
In this spring weather activity worksheet, students use the 24 clues to identify the words needed to complete the crossword puzzle
Barbara Kowal
Winter Crossword (with Pictures)
This winter, reinforce vocabulary instruction with a crossword puzzle. Scholars examine picture clues to determine its word and plug them into the puzzle. Vocabulary terms include snowball, skate, cold, and more!
Curated OER
Weather and Seasons Puzzle
What is the weather like in the summer? What’s your favorite season? Language learners fill in the blanks of a series of prompts with weather and seasons words, and then respond to these same prompts to complete a crossword puzzle. Be...
Curated OER
Weathering and Erosion
In this earth science worksheet, students use the clues given at the bottom of the sheet to help them solve the crossword puzzle on weathering and erosion. They identify the various factors that cause erosion in different places.
Curated OER
Weather Crossword Puzzle
In this weather words crossword puzzle, students use the 17 picture clues to correctly complete the word puzzle that pertains to the weather.
Curated OER
Homophones Crossword Puzzle
For this crossword puzzle worksheet, students solve a crossword puzzle by choosing the correct homophone. For example, "Mark threw/through the ball to his friend."
Curated OER
Influential Scientists Crossword Puzzle Worksheet
In this influential scientists crossword worksheet, students read 12 clues pertaining to science professionals. Students fit their answers in a crossword puzzle.
Curated OER
Winter Weather
In this crossword puzzle worksheet, students read the 17 clues about winter weather and then complete the crossword puzzle with winter weather terms.
Curated OER
Wild Weather Vocabulary Fill Puzzle
In this weather worksheet, learners write weather words into a crossword puzzle after solving the clues. Students write 15 words that are partly filled in already.
Curated OER
Intermediate Crossword Puzzle- Months Of the Year
In this months of the year worksheet, students read 12 clues pertaining to the calendar months. Students fit the answers in a crossword puzzle.
Curated OER
For this earth science worksheet, students use the clues given at the bottom of the sheet to solve the crossword puzzle related to weather. They identify various cloud types and how they are formed. Students also identify atmospheric...
Curated OER
Weather Words
Students brainstorm and define five terms for precipitation, discuss reasons why English language includes various terms for wet weather, and create word games such as jumbles, word searches, or crossword puzzles with weather terms.
Curated OER
Weather Puzzle
In this weather words crossword puzzle, students use the 9 sentence clues to correctly complete the word puzzle that pertains to the weather.
Curated OER
What's The Weather Like?
In this online/interactive weather worksheet, students view ttompatz's Weather Song from YouTube, solve a crossword puzzle, and complete comprehensive sentences about the video. Students answer 18 questions.
Curated OER
What's the Weather Like?
In this online/interactive worksheet about the weather worksheet, students listen to information about weather pictures, determine the weather being described, watch a YouTube weather forecast before choosing multiple choice...
Curated OER
Weather Fun Facts
In this science worksheet, students investigate fun facts about weather by reading 25 short paragraphs about weather, storms, climate and geography. Students complete a crossword puzzle about weather.
Curated OER
ESL: What is the Weather Like?
In this ESL weather learning exercise, students listen to description of weather conditions found beneath their pictures, then listen again and check the correct answer when they hear the pattern described and complete a weather...