Curated OER
Resume Writing Workshop
The ability to write a concise and effective resume is an essential skill for those seeking employment. Prepare your pupils for the working world with a resume-writing assignment. Start off by showing them this presentation, which...
Open Oregon Educational Resources
Technical Writing
Hate having to look in multiple sources to find information?Technical Writing contains all information in one book! The book covers everything from defining technical writing, giving examples of technical writing, and tips for creating...
Curated OER
Writing A Resume
Students practice the skill of writing a resume that reflects professional presentation. They use a worksheet that is used for writing guidelines. The tool is effective for the scaffolding of different ability levels. Then students...
Curated OER
Hire Me, I’m Nice: Writing a Resume
Learners explore the classified ads for employment opportunities and create a resume. In this resume writing lesson students choose a specific job, they must determine what kind of experience, education, etc. they must have to acquire...
Curated OER
Creating a Resume Using a Wizard and a Cover Letter with a Table
Students use technology in order to practice writing a resume and cover letter to pursue employment. They practice using Resume Wizard as the computer application to be used for the assignments.
Curated OER
Résumé Writing
Students research examples of resumes on the World Wide Web. They use the good examples to write their own resumes focusing on their strengths.
Ohio Center For Law-Related Education
Four Activities: Thurgood Marshall and the Nomination and Confirmation of Federal Judges
The process of nominating and confirming federal judges can sound like a lot of bureaucratic hoops, but a resource breaks down the steps of the Supreme Court nominations in a simpler manner. Learners participate in four activities that...
Curated OER
The Resume
Learners create personal resumes. In this careers instructional activity, students view sample resumes and read instruction guides for resumes prior to writing their own resumes.
Gerunds and Infinitives
Learning proper grammar rules for a middle school student can be difficult, especially in a texting world, but this resource demonstrates how the verb changes by adding a gerund or infinitive. Keep up the texting, but use this to...
Curated OER
Hire Me! I'm Nice!
Students create resumes. For this careers lesson, students look through classified ads and decide on a "job" to apply for. Students write mock resumes by using professional resumes as an outline.
Curated OER
Seven Steps for Writing an Academic Essay
Students brainstorm ideas for a teacher selected writing topic. They demonstrate seven steps for writing an academic essay. They jot down words or phrases using different colored pens. They write a thesis statement and create an outline...
Curated OER
Creating Star Quality Job Seekers
Students prepare to job hunt. For this job search lesson, students examine sample resumes and sample job applications. Students write their own resumes and discuss job interview tips. This lesson is set up for students to move to...
Curated OER
Senior Scrapbook Assignment
Twelfth graders write creatively and reflectively on 20 different events or memories that shaped their senior year. They organize memorabilia into a scrapbook with 20 entries and create a cover that represents their senior year. They...
Curated OER
Create a Lasting Impression: #Myseniorfootprint
Looking for some ideas for an end-of-year project for seniors? Here's one that asks seniors to highlight what they learned during their four years of high school.
Curated OER
Disasters (Natural & Man-made)
Students chose a natural or man-made disaster, such as a tornado or an oil spill, to research using the assigned web sites. They choose a presentation type from a list which includes poetry, radio broadcasts, and safety brochures, to...
Curated OER
Once Upon a Genre
Learners examine fractured fairy tales before responding by writing in many different genres including a persuasive essay, a personal narrative, a letter, an advertisement, and a resume'. They create a pop-up book with their written...
Curated OER
Communication Skills for Seeking a Job
Students discuss and identify four careers they have an interest in. Using the internet, they choose one career to research to discover the educational requirements, salary and training. They interview members of the community in the...
Curated OER
Figurative Language at Black Bayou Lake
Learners visit the Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge. They take digital pictures and make notes with information about the scenic life. Back in the classroom, they use the digital pictures to complete a figurative language...
Curated OER
Blue Planet: Seas of Life - Tidal Seas
After viewing the video Blue Planet: Seas of Life, students review oceanic concepts. For this earth science lesson, students reflect on the effect tides have on living things and conduct research to create a "tidal trivia" game....
Curated OER
Research a State in the United States
Learners research one state of the United States of their choice. Using the internet, they gather as much information about the state as possible along with appropriate images. They present their findings to the class in the form of a...