EL Education
El Education: Black Holes: What Are They?
This is a children's book created by two freshman students during at High Tech High. For this project, the students selected, researched, and wrote an essay on a topic related to astronomy. Then using the information in their essay, they...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Find Center of Milky Way Galaxy Using Globular Star Clusters
The Milky Way is the edgewise view of our home galaxy, a disk made up of billions of stars. The Sun resides on one of the spiral arms of the disk, 30,000 light-years from the thick hub of the galaxy. The actual center, with a black hole...
Sky Server: Quasars
This site from the SkyServer offers information as to what quasars are as well as provides links to strange objects, radio astronomy and research. This is a great sit to check out the brief but factual information on the subject.
Institute for Exploration: Dr. Bob Ballard
A biography of Dr. Bob Ballard written by the Institute for Exploration.