University of Missouri
Famous Trials: John Peter Zenger Trial
This is a comprehensive site from UMKC School of Law concerning the trial of John Peter Zenger. You can find just about any information you may need here, from the issues of The New York Weekly Journal to the trial record. Also of...
Independence Hall Association
U.s. History: Beginnings of Revolutionary Thinking: Trial of John Peter Zenger
Freedom of the press? That was not always an accepted right. Read about the trial of John Peter Zenger, who was accused of libel for printing truths about the royal governor of New York. Find out the outcome of the trial and what it...
Huntington Library
Huntington Library: Freedom of the Press: The Trial of Peter Zenger
In this lesson, 5th graders learn about the trial of Peter Zenger and how it laid the foundation for the freedom of the press. They will examine primary source documents and hold a mock trial, ending with a discussion of the First...
Digital History
Digital History: The Emergence of New Ideas About Personal Liberties
American colonists expected to have "English rights" as supported by the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights. See how these rights were applied in the trial of John Peter Zenger, whose acquittal reflected the right of freedom of...
University of Missouri
Famous Trials: Selected Issues of the New York Weekley Journal
Here you will find images of two issues of The New York Weekly Journal. One issue was ordered burned due to its content.