Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Geo Logic: Terrestrial and Jovian Planets
Through GEOLogic puzzles, students are given clues about properties about the terrestrial and Jovian planets respectively, and challenged to match the planet with the correct equatorial radius, mean orbital velocity, and period of rotation.
University of Leicester: The Solar System
Resource explores the solar system, with an in depth discussion of each of the planets and their properties.
Nasa: Welcome to the Planets Jupiter
NASA offers a photo gallery of Jupiter images. Each image includes a detailed caption describing what the image is of, and the captions are also available in streaming audio.
The Telson Spur: The Solar System
This is a list of links to online resources related to the study of the planets. It has a literary theme associated with the Lewis Carrol poem "The Hunting of the Snark" with many quotes from literature and science. Navigation tools...