Noaa: Estuaries 101 Curriculum: Nutrients in an Estuary
An overload of nutrients, called eutrophication (Greek for "good-nutrition"), can be harmful to estuaries. This phenomenon is also referred to as "over-enrichment," or "nutrient pollution". Students will investigate the range of...
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Habitat Part 2
This activity is designed for students to examine soil and determine which soil will be the best for plant growth. The students will also investigate the effect of sunlight on plants and the importance of sunlight in producing chlorophyll.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Field Challenge Strategy Game
Lesson plan describing a strategy game where students use flags in a large field to mimic the growth and spread of trees, grass, and shrubs. Rules for game include how trees, grass, and shrubs interact to compete for sunlight, nutrients,...
The Wonder of Science
The Wonder of Science: 5 Ls1 1: Plant Requirements: Air and Water
Create lessons to show that plants use air and water primarily to grow with help from the resources on this site. Use the work samples, phenomena, assessment templates, and videos to help students understand the requirements of plants to...
Pbs Teachers: Soil in the Amazon
Compare plants grown in simulated Amazon soil to those grown in soil prepared by the slash-and-burn method. Describe leaf development in plants grown in different soils and chart, average and graph plant growth by height
NC State University Adventures of the Agronauts
This site is an online science curriculum on how to grow plants on the Moon. There are six lessons that have a glossary also included. There are movies that demonstrate concepts, and teacher resources. The sites topics cover, the Earth,...