Grammarly Blog: Sentence Emphasis
An explanation and examples of various techniques that can be used in order to emphasize important sentences within a text.
Grammarly Blog: When Should I Spell Out Numbers?
This page focuses on when to write figures and numbers in writing; it provides the rules for both general writing and for technical, scientific, and complex writing. Examples are provided.
Grammarly Blog: Linking Verbs
An explanation and examples of linking verbs and how they are used correctly in sentences.
Grammarly Blog: Common Errors in English: Good or Well
This Grammarly Handbook resource clarifies the difference in usage between "good" and "well" in sentences. Numerous examples are provided in this resource.
University of Toronto (Canada)
University of Toronto: Subject Verb Agreement
Site provides some different rules applying to subject-verb agreement, especially in cases of "expressions of quantity." Excellent information for students looking to hone their craft of writing.
Grammarly Blog: Spelling Plurals With S or Es or Other Plurals
Spelling rules and examples for adding -s or -es to make the plural form of a word.
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Making Subjects and Verbs Agree
Learn how to determine whether a sentence's subject is singular or plural.
Capital Community College Foundation
Guide to Grammar and Writing: General Grammar Exam
A grammar quiz consisting of fifty multiple choice questions about parts of speech, grammar usage, and more. After each questions, students are informed if the answer was correct or if they need to try again.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Grammar (English I Writing)
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] Edit sample writing for correct grammar.
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Writing Numbers
Straightforward tutorial explaining the rules about numbers in writing.
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Grammar: Introduction to Grammar
This lesson is an introduction to grammar including how academic writing and speaking is different than other types of writing and speaking. It includes the video "Introduction to Grammar" and a list of grammar learning objectives.
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Grammar: Try It: Verbs
This is a non-graded verb practice including categorizing, agreement, and non-finite clauses.
Get It Write
Get It Write: "I" and "Me"
To understand the correct usage of "I" and "me," you need to learn about the subjective and objective case of pronouns. This tutorial does a great job explaining that and giving good examples for you to follow. A brief quiz checks your...
Get It Write
Get It Write: Ending Sentences With Prepositions
Read this tutorial to find out about ending sentences with prepositions, how to correct the problem, and times when it seems that sentences end in prepostions, but that really isn't the case. (Hint--when using a phrasal verb.)
Get It Write
Get It Write: "Between" and "Among"
The rule for when to use "between" or "among" is very simple. This tutorial explains the use of each word clearly and ends with a brief quiz to check your understanding.
Get It Write
Get It Write: "Bring" and "Take"
If you've ever wondered about whether you should choose "bring" or "take" in a sentence, this tutorial will answer all your questions. There is a brief quiz at the end to check your understanding.
Get It Write
Get It Write: Using the Verb "Include" to Preface a List
Use this tutorial to learn when to use "include" and when to use a form of the verb "to be" when writing a list. A brief quiz checks your understanding.
Get It Write
Get It Write: Making Verbs Agree With Relative Pronouns
A tutorial explaining that relative pronouns "that", "which", and "who" can be singular or plural, so be sure to check to be sure you are using the correct verb, singular or plural, in your sentence. A brief quiz checks your understanding.
Wisc Online: Subject Verb Agreement Exercise 2
This is a 20-question exercise/quiz matching subjects and verbs in number.
University of Ottawa (Canada)
Hyper Grammar: Building Phrases
This online grammar guide defines phrases, how they are different from clauses, and how to use them in sentences.
Grammarly Handbook: Cliches
This page focuse on cliches and explains why they should not be used in formal writing; it provides examples of other words to get the point across more clearly.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Grammar (English Ii Writing)
This lesson focuses on finding and fixing grammar errors in your writing. It includes strategies for locating errors such as reading your paper aloud to see if your are missing words. It also provides practice with subject-verb agreement...
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Using Appropriate Language
Knowing the right language for your particular audience is a necessary skill for all writers. No one wants to offend their audience or appear as though they don't know their content. Learn these rules of thumb to become more familiar...
Get It Write
Get It Write: Like and As
Do you have trouble knowing when to use "like" and when to use "as?" This is a common mistake, so understanding the difference will help you in writing correctly. This site will give you the usage rules as well as a self-test.