Quia: Analogies Jeopardy
Play a Jeopardy-type game to test your skill at understanding analogies or word relationships. The game can be played by one or two players.
Quia: S v Agreement: Indefinite Pronouns
Given the term definition, students are to select the matching literary term in this 40 question quiz that covers 40 literary terms. Java is required.
Vocabulary University
My vocabulary.com: Literature by Author Vocabulary Word List
This page offers a vocabulary word lists for classic novels organized by author.
Cengage Learning
Gale: Free Resources: Glossary of Literary Terms
An extensive a-to-z glossary of literary terms from major educational publisher Gale.
University of Victoria (Canada)
The U Vic Writer's Guide: Literary Term: Ambiguity
This site from The UVic Writer's Guide provides an excellent description of the term ambiguity. Site offers links to other literary terms and their meanings.
University of Victoria (Canada)
The U Vic Writer's Guide: Figures of Thought: Symbol
Learn about symbolism in literature and view examples of this literary technique.
Concepts and Practices for Writing Courses: Interpreting Literature
This tutorial surveys the way readers should interpret literature or text in symbols, syntax, meaning, and the like. The article features a Literary Toolkit for Analyzing Literature.
Read Write Think: Figurative Language Awards Ceremony
Contains plans for five to seven lessons that teach about figurative language like similes, metaphors, and personification by asking students to write award acceptance speeches that incorporate them. In addition to objectives and...
Quia: Matching: Literary Devices
This matching game has students match examples of literary devices (yellow boxes) with the terms (blue boxes). There are multiples of each, but each set is matched to a specific box. Java is required.
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
De Paul University: Center for Urban Education: Can Infer Meaning of a Multiple Meaning [Pdf]
Students will analyze a word in several different sentences. Students will determine the meaning of the same word in several different contexts. Students will also write their own sentences with the same word in several different contexts.
Harold D. Underdown
How to Find Words That Jump Off the Page
An excellent resource for a writer struggling to come up with the exact words for which they are looking. Includes very helpful advice and information. Aimed at writers of children's literature, but can also apply to other genres.
Visual Thesaurus: Shades of Meaning
In this lesson, small groups of students will compete in a "shades of meaning" contest to see which group can use the Visual Thesaurus to help them match words with similar definitions but different connotations in the shortest amount of...
Quia: Concentration: Literary Devices
This game asks students to match literary devices (similes, metaphors, personification, slang/dialect and allusions) with their examples while remembering where they are located behind covered squares. Java is required.
E Reading Worksheets
E Reading Worksheets: Figurative Language Examples
Along with definitions for four types of figurative language, this learning module provides numerous examples. Similes, metaphors, personification, and hyperbole are the types of figurative language featured.
Goshen College
Goshen College: Literary Analysis Guide
This resource not only explains how to analyze a text, but also, provides student examples of literary texts. W.9-10.9b Research/Argum, RI.11-12.5 Evaluate text structure
TES Global
Blendspace: Figurative Language
A twelve-part learning module on figurative language including links to images, videos, a song, and a game to help students learn.
Grammarly Blog: Idioms and Phrases
An explanation and examples of idioms and how to use context clues to understand their meanings.
Lifestream Center: Lessons: Literary Concepts: Elements of a Story
This site offers a basic understanding of the elements of a story. It clearly defines each literary term.
Class Flow: Figurative Language Review
[Free Registration/Login Required] This lesson helps students understand figurative language.
Class Flow: Poetry Figurative Language
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart discusses various forms of poetry and gives examples of each. Figurative language is explored as a way of determining the meaning of a piece of literature.
Read Works
Read Works: Figurative Language
[Free Registration/Login Required] This site contains a collection of passage that include figurative language lessons. Each lesson includes questions to assess student understanding.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Selecting Topics for Literary Analysis
A series of three PDF documents providing definitions of commonly used terms when preparing to write a literary analysis, explaining how to comment on a literary text, and demonstrating the process of analyzing the literary text "Hills...
Education Development Center
Tv411: Finding New Ways to Say Something
Use the activities on this site to review an understanding of synonyms and practice alphabetizing.
TES Global
Blendspace: Figurative Language & Tone
A twelve-part learning module with links to texts, videos, and websites on figurative language and tone.