Pbs Learning Media: How to Use Conjunctions
Conjunctions are a part of a speech that connects different parts of a sentence, such as groups of words, clauses, or phrases. [0:41]
Pbs Learning Media: Forming and Using Possessive Nouns
Possessives show when a noun belongs to someone. It is often indicated with an apostrophe "s", but when words end in "s" only an apostrophe is added.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Salutations, Valedictions, Dates, and Addresses
Commas are needed when starting or ending a letter/email, writing out dates, or writing out addresses.
Ab Cya: Parts of Speech Quest 1 Nouns
A terrible dragon has attacked the kingdom of Lingua and only a Nouns Master will be able to save it. Will it be you? Put your knowledge of nouns to the test as you venture through Parts of Speech Quest-Nouns!
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Writing Fix's List of Prepositions [Pdf]
This is a PDF providing a handout with an extensive list of prepositions.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Let's Read It!
Five mini-lessons to help young writers develop their writing skills within a Writers Workshop model.
ICT Games
Ict Games: Writing Repeater
Use the mouse to write words and then save them into word lists.
English Exercises: This That
Complete each sentence by choosing the correct demonstrative pronoun.
Courseware Solutions
Wordville: Commas: A Fun Way for Kids to Practice Using Commas
In this activity, students add commas as needed to friendly letters. As they click where the commas belong a dragonfly or a butterfly inserts the commas.
Using Commas in Sentences [Pdf]
Learners write their own sentences that each includes a series of words to punctuate correctly.
Quia: Sentence Types
An interactive exercise where students read sixteen sentences and decide if each sentence is declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory. Correct answers are provided for any missed, and a score summary is displayed when...
Woodward English: This That These Those
Notes and examples on demonstrative pronouns and adjectives.
EL Education
El Education: The Important Thing About Our Families
Students write complete sentences about their families. As they learn to punctuate sentences correctly, type them on a computer, and take digital pictures, they work together to create a class book.
TES Global
Blendspace: Word Types Conjunctions
An eight-part learning module with links to texts, images, videos, and websites to use while learning about conjunctions.
Road to Grammar
Road to Grammar: Using Complete Sentences
This interactive focuses on complete sentences; it provides notes explaining what makes a complete sentence and two practices identifying complete sentences.
Class Flow: Nouns
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this lesson students will recognize the definition of a noun, use the highlighter tool to find nouns in a sentence and recognize common and proper nouns.
Class Flow: Nouns
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart introduces nouns: person, place or thing. There are opportunities provided for students to practice.
Class Flow: Nouns Are Everywhere
[Free Registration/Login Required] Teaching nouns to students involves more than a brief explanation! This flipchart applies correct principles of grammar, parts of speech, and usage and mechanics in an entertaining and easy to use fashion.
Class Flow: Opinion Writing
[Free Registration/Login Required] This is a step-by-step lesson about writing opinion pieces designed for second graders.
Class Flow: Parts of a Sentence
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart helps with the naming part and telling part of sentences. Pull the dragon and magnifying glass over areas to reveal answers.
Class Flow: Person
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will understand the differences between verbs used with the first, second and third person.
Class Flow: Possessive Pronouns
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart will help students to understand the correct use and spelling of possessive pronouns.
Class Flow: Punctuation
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart introduces students to punctuation and focuses on question marks and periods at the ends of sentences.
Class Flow: Punctuation
[Free Registration/Login Required] Punctuation and word spacing are used to guide readers. Punctuation marks tell readers when to pause or change their tone of voice. There are three main kinds of punctuation marks that appear at the end...