Class Flow: Second Grade Daily Oral Language
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will demonstrate their ability to find and correct: grammar errors, capitalization errors, and punctuation errors.
Class Flow: Sentence Intro
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will be able to distinguish between sentences and fragments. They will also be looking at subjects and predicates.
Class Flow: Sentences Non Sentences
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart reviews complete vs. incomplete sentences, and types of sentences.
Class Flow: Subject Verb Identification
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this lesson students will identify subject and verb in various sentences and label the sentence correctly.
Class Flow: Tense Irregular
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart will help students to understand and spell irregular verbs (e.g, go/went).
Class Flow: Verb Agreement
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will learn to re-read own writing to check for grammatical sense (coherence) and accuracy (agreement); to identify errors and to suggest alternative constructions.
Class Flow: Verb Endings
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will learn to spell regular verb endings s, ed, ing (link to grammar work on tenses).
Class Flow: Verbs Linking
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will become familiar with linking verbs and their usage. Students will identify linking verbs in a passage and use interactive sites to practice using linking verbs.
Class Flow: What Are Nouns?
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students learn about nouns while working interactively with the flipchart.
Class Flow: Words Unit
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart makes students put together a string of words to make sentences.
Class Flow: Writing Complete Sentences From a Question
[Free Registration/Login Required] Using this flipchart, students can practice using words from a question to give an answer in a complete sentence.
Class Flow: Apostrophe Contractions
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will use the apostrophe to create contractions (e.g. don't, can't)
Class Flow: Chunk Lesson Y Ending
[Free Registration/Login Required] Use literature and the Whole-Part-Whole Method to teach individual word chunks. This flipchart focuses on words ending in y.
Class Flow: Conjunctions
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will understand how sentences can be joined in complex ways through the use of conjunctions (and, then, if, so, while, though, since, when).
Class Flow: Describing Words
[Free Registration/Login Required] Children are able to identify describing words in sentences and pictures. They then are able to brainstorm describing words about a picture and write sentences using the words.
Class Flow: Grammar Apostrophe
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart will help students use the apostrophe accurately to mark possession by identifying possessive apostrophes in reading, and helping them understand the basic rules for applying apostrophes...
Class Flow: Grammar Dol
[Free Registration/Login Required] This lesson provides students with Daily Oral Language activities both language arts as well as math.
Class Flow: Homonyms
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart assists the students to acquire and use grade-level words to communicate effectively using homonyms.
Class Flow: Inflected Endings
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart is designed for students to practice adding -s, -ed, and -ing to words.
Class Flow: Introduction to Plurals
[Free Registration/Login Required] Created by Robin Duggins, Second grade language arts supplement to lesson and rules for plural words.
Class Flow: Joining Telling Sentences
[Free Registration/Login Required] Provides practice for combining telling sentences.
Class Flow: Language Arts Challenge
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart focuses on activities that allow students to demonstrate their knowledge of: ABC order, nouns, plurals, irregular plurals, sentences and quotation marks.
Class Flow: Magic Words
[Free Registration/Login Required] Some ideas of how to use the tools within Activprimary. This is one of the flipcharts which is included as part of the software and can be found in the shared Literacy folder in flipcharts
Class Flow: Multiple Meaning Words
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students choose which one word fits best into both sentences.