Class Flow: Spelling Change Add Y
[Free Registration/Login Required] How words change when Y is added.
Class Flow: Tense Irregular
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart will help students to understand and spell irregular verbs (e.g, go/went).
Spelling Words 102 Frequently Misspelled Words
A list of 102 frequently misspelled words followed by a short quiz and links to helpful resources.
Learn English Feel Frequently Misspelled Words
Build spelling skills by choosing the correct spelling of these ten commonly misspelled words.
Class Flow: Verb Endings
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will learn to spell regular verb endings s, ed, ing (link to grammar work on tenses).
Class Flow: Words Ending in Le
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will investigate and learn to use the spelling pattern le.
Class Flow: Abc Order, Contractions
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart practices ABC order and contractions. It is self-checking so students can do it independently. There is a link at the end to a website with a Fly By Contractions game!
Class Flow: Apostrophe Contractions
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will use the apostrophe to create contractions (e.g. don't, can't)
Class Flow: Building Contractions
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart uses snowmen to help students build contractions.
Class Flow: Commas
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will learn to use commas to separate items in a list.
Class Flow: Contractions
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart is designed to introduce students to contractions. It provides interactive practice using contractions.
Class Flow: Contractions
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will understand the use of the apostrophe in creating contractions (couldn't, we'll, I'd).
Class Flow: Good Bye Curtis
[Free Registration/Login Required] This lesson goes along with a unit in the Harcourt Trophies series for the story Good-bye Curtis by Kevin Henkes. It includes a lesson on contractions, verbs, and comparing/contrasting. It is for 2nd...
Class Flow: Grammar Apostrophe
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart will help students use the apostrophe accurately to mark possession by identifying possessive apostrophes in reading, and helping them understand the basic rules for applying apostrophes...
Learn English Plural Form of Nouns
An exercise with ten nouns that asks students to type the plural form of each noun into the box next to the word. Some nouns are regular and some are irregular. Students can check their answers when finished and see the correct answers...
Vocabulary Spelling City
Vocabulary Spelling City: Contractions
This resource allows students the opportunity to master the concept of contractions through contractions word list, flash cards, and test. The interactive voice reads, spells and uses each word in a sentence to ensure comprehension.
Class Flow: Commas
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will understand how to use commas to separate portions of sentences (lists, subordinate clauses, extra information).
Class Flow: Ending Punctuation
[Free Registration/Login Required] Developed for first grade students to review ending punctuation marks:., ?, and ! Activotes are used at the end to test understanding. Students learn the correct terms for telling, asking, and...
Super Teacher Worksheets: Punctuation: Period and Question Mark [Pdf]
This PDF gives a simple definition of a period and question mark, an example of when to use each type of punctuation and then has thirteen simple sentences for learners to practice their skills of identifying what type of ending...
Roy the Zebra
Roy the Zebra: Reading Games: Full Stop Game 1 (Beginner)
This game helps young readers learn how and where to place periods at the end of sentences. They are to click on and drag a snail to where the period belongs; the snail spins and turns into a period.
Roy the Zebra
Roy the Zebra: Reading Games: Full Stop Game (Beginner)
This reading game is designed to teach young readers about how and where to place periods at the end of sentences. They are to click on and drag a snail to where the period belongs; the snail spins and turns into a period.
Spelling It Right: Plurals of Words Ending in "X," "Sh," "S," "Ss," and "Ch"
Learn about making words plural by adding "es" through examples and practice exercises.
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: Teaching Spelling in 2nd Grade
This article focuses on teaching spelling to 2nd graders including the Dolch sight words for 2nd grade, the number of spelling words per week, and links to online resources.
My English Pages: Grammar Exercises Possessive Pronouns
Create eight possessive pronouns and choose the correct possessive pronoun for each of eight different sentences in this exercise.