Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Information Location Mini Lesson
This lesson introduces using the print encyclopedia for grades 3-5. Students are assigned a topic which is selected from their social studies curriculum. Small groups are sent to the reference shelf to select the correct encyclopedia...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: The Evidence of Chemistry
The students will learn to identify evidence that a chemical reaction has taken place. They will use the Internet to research evidence and find examples. They will look around their school and neighborhood for examples. They will perform...
Florida Center for Reading Research
Florida Center for Reading Research: Expository Text Structure: Research Roundup
A lesson plan in which students complete graphic organizers as they gather research information. Materials are included.
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Nonfiction
Provides advice for how to incorporate nonfiction into a reading program. Includes videos, links to downloadable 'adventure packs,' tip sheets for parent, a list of websites on nonfiction, and articles.
University of California
Cal Heritage Collection: Using Primary Sources
This resource covers what primary sources are, where we can find them, and how we can assess them in the classroom.
McREL International
Mid Continent Research for Education and Learning: Deconstructing Media Messages
This brief instructional activity focuses on the roles that many different people play in the creation of media messages and advertising.
Cyber Bee: Ready Reference
This site is a tool to help students hone their reference skills.
TES Global
Blendspace: Online Reference Sources
A twelve-part learning module with links to videos and websites about online reference sources.
Class Flow: Reading to Gather Information
[Free Registration/Login Required] This is an introduction for elementary students learning to pull facts from sources.
Class Flow: Reference Sources
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart reviews different reference sources including, encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauruses, almanacs, atlases, and periodicals.
Class Flow: Research Resources
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart poses a series of questions to students asking them to select the appropriate resource source given the information in the questions.
Class Flow: Title Page Reveal: Finding Bibliographic Information
[Free Registration/Login Required] Practice locating the title, author and publication information of a book using real title and CIP pages, and a reveal tool.
Class Flow: Features of a Newspaper
[Free Registration/Login Required] A flipchart that examines the way in which newspapers and articles are constructed. The end of the flipchart focuses specifically on the battle of Glencoe, but the majority of the flipchart has much...
Class Flow: Encyclopedia Britannica Online
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart explains how to use the Encyclopedia Britannica Online.
Class Flow: Library Online
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart was created to help teach students about using the Winnebago online catalog system for finding research materials. It also explains the needed information for a proper bibliography.
Other How Do I Cite Sources?
Information and examples on how to cite sources, identify sources in the body of your paper, quote material, include long quotes, and list references in a bibliography, annotated bibliography, footnotes, or works cited page.
Abcteach: Information Book Report Form [Pdf]
Great printable form to help learners write an informational book report. Includes space for new vocabulary words learned and other information retained from the work. Requires Adobe Reader.
Lisbon School District: Digital Book Reports and Research Projects
Students in Grades 2, 3, and 4 researched wild animals and a person in American history. They wrote and presented reports and created movies. This page presents three examples of their digital book reports in video format.