Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: Examples of Open Ended and Closed Ended Questions
Explains the difference between open and closed questions. Gives examples and situations where each might be used.
Read Write Think: Listen, Look, and Learn: An Information Gathering Process
This lesson models an information-gathering process for primary learners as they listen to and look at resources, seeking information pertinent to the questions on an information wheel. Guiding the listening, looking, and learning...
Lexiconic Resources: 5 W's and How Chart
This downloadable graphic organizer will assist students in taking notes about a news story. Students will use this resource to identify answers to the following five W's and H questions: What happened? Who was there? When did it happen?...
Thought Co.: Nonverbal Communication Activities
It's important to be aware of nonverbal communication, so we can avoid sending and receiving unintentional messages through our expressions and body movements. These exercises are designed to help you understand how much information we...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Better Living Through Science
This lesson involves research on scientists whose accomplishments have impacted areas of nutrition, sanitation, or health care. Students will research an area of their choice, record information on a graphic organizer, and use the...
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: What Does the Reader Want to Know? Creating Research Questions
In this lesson, students will change a research topic into questions that they will specifically answer while doing their research.
Understood For All
Understood: How to Help Your Child Understand Body Language
This article provides tips on how teach children to pick up on social cues.
Scholastic: Write Your Own Flight Story
Online writing prompt for young journalists to-be. Excellent for diagnostic or even more advanced teaching of journalism.
Family Education
Family Education: Improving Your Child's Thinking Skills
By asking the right kinds of questions, you can help improve a students thinking skills. This site lists several ideas and types of questions that can help develop a child's critical thinking skills.
American Forum for Global Education
American Forum for Global Education: Talking With Our Hands
This instructional activity from the American Forum for Global Education is designed to help children understand that using hands to "convey messages" is a form of communication.
How to Study: Good Listening in Class
Eight tips on how to improve your listening skills in the classroom so that you gain more from lectures and discussions.
EL Education
El Education: Our Classroom Teacher Mrs. Wong
Students learn to write and ask interview questions by interviewing their teacher. Students then write and illustrate the answer to each question to create a book about their teacher.
TES Global
Blendspace: 2014, Term1 Writing Expositions Week 3
A four-part learning module with links to images, a website, and a video explaining how to write an argumentative piece.
TES Global
Blendspace: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
An eleven-part learning module with links to websites, an image, and a video about using questioning skills to research and write about one's family history.
Class Flow: Questions and Statements
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will identify questions and statements (without the punctuation cue). They will also practice changing a question into a statement.
English Club
English Club: Learn English: Grammar: Verbs: Tag Questions
An explanation and examples of a question tag and how it is structured. Links to additional information on positive and negative tag questions, answering tag questions, a tag question quiz, and more are available.
Class Flow: Cause and Effect
[Free Registration/Login Required] This elementary flipchart explains cause and effect within the context of literature discussion. Activotes provide student interaction and assessment. ccss.ela literacy.rl.3.1 Worksheets: Ask and Answer Questions
[Free Registration/Login Required] Thirty downloadable worksheets to use while learning to ask and answer text-based questions in order to demonstrate reading comprehension.
Skills Workshop: Listening for the Main Points [Pdf]
A simple exercise where students listen to a reading passage read out loud and identify the key pieces of information.
Fusion Yearbooks: Great Ways to Encourage Students to Ask Questions
This article contains 9 ways that teachers can maintain and develop that pre-school curiosity as our children grow older by fostering question asking in the classroom. Compare and Contrast Texts on the Same Topic
[Free Registration/Login Required] Explain that even if two texts are written about the same topic, they can have different information depending on the author's perspective or the source of the information. When we compare two texts on... Sl.2.1.b Worksheets, Workbooks, Lesson Plans, and Games
[Free Registration/Login Required] These worksheets and lesson plans can help students practice the Common Core standard skill of building on others' talk in conversations by linking their comments to the remarks of others. Sl.2.1.a Worksheets
[Free Registration/Login Required] Choose from a variety of worksheets to practice the Common Core standard of following agreed-upon rules for discussions. Also included is a formative assessment for speaking and listening. Sl.2.4 Worksheets, Workbooks, Lesson Plans, and Games
[Free Registration/Login Required] These worksheets and lesson plans can help students practice the Common Core State Standards skill of telling a story or recounting an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive...