Class Flow: Grammar Verb Agreement
[Free Registration/Login Required] S2 to reread own writing to check for grammatical sense (coherence) and accuracy (agreement): to identify errors.
Class Flow: Grammar Apostrophe
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart will help students use the apostrophe accurately to mark possession by identifying possessive apostrophes in reading, and helping them understand the basic rules for applying apostrophes...
Class Flow: Grammar Posse
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this lesson students will work with rules of grammar and parts of speech.
Class Flow: Language Arts Challenge
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart focuses on activities that allow students to demonstrate their knowledge of: ABC order, nouns, plurals, irregular plurals, sentences and quotation marks.
Class Flow: Multiple Meaning Words
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students choose which one word fits best into both sentences.
Class Flow: Capitalization Editing
[Free Registration/Login Required] Uses of capitalization in reading: names, headings, special emphasis, and new lines in poetry.
Capitalization Chart
Use this handy chart to spot the capitalization rule which applies to your sentence. Scroll down to the bottom for links to practice exercises you can do in Microsoft Word.
Spelling It Right: Plurals of Words Ending in "X," "Sh," "S," "Ss," and "Ch"
Learn about making words plural by adding "es" through examples and practice exercises.
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: 3rd Grade Grammar
This article focuses on the grammar and punctuation that third graders need to learn including the parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adverbs, and prepositions), punctuation marks (question mark, exclamation points, and periods), and the...
Fun Brain
Fun Brain: The Plural Girls
Short quizzes that challenge players to identify plural forms of nouns correctly.
Class Flow: Sentences
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will identify the boundaries between separate sentences in reading and writing; write in complete sentences; as well as define the end of a sentence with a period, and the start of a new one...
SMART Technologies
Smart: Capital Letters Days of the Week
Students will identify where a capital letter is required in a sentence that uses days of the week in this SMART whiteboard activity.
SMART Technologies
Smart: Capital Letters Months
Students will identify where a capital letter is required in a sentence relating to months in this whiteboard lesson activity provided by SMART.
K12 Reader: Capital Letters in Titles
Use this activity to practice capitalizing titles correctly.
SMART Technologies
Smart: Common vs Proper Nouns
Students will distinguish between common and proper nouns within this SMART whiteboard lesson by moving the noun to the correct target.
Speakspeak: Spelling: Changing Y to Ies, Ied, Ier
A few rules and examples help students understand when and how to change words which end in -y, for plural nouns, verb forms, adjective and adverb forms.
University of Calgary
University of Calgary: Parts of Speech: Plural and Possessive Nouns
A tutorial explaining the proper apostrophe use of singular and plural possessive nouns followed by a twenty-question exercise to practice this skill.
Expansion Learning
Expansion Learning: Capitalizing Names and Titles
Activity provides students the practice they need to master the skill of capitalizing names and titles. [1 min, 49 sec] Immediate feedback is given.
Expansion Learning
Expansion Learning: Capitalizing Sentences
Activity provides students the practice they need to master the skill of capitalizing sentences.
Expansion Learning
Expansion Learning: Capitalizing Proper Nouns
Activity provides students the practice they need to master the skill of capitalizing proper nouns. Immediate feedback is given.
Expansion Learning
Expansion Learning: Beginning Sentences Properly
Activity provides students the practice they need to master the skill of how to start a sentence properly. Immediate feedback is given.
Road to Grammar
Road to Grammar: Word Strips
Move the tiles into place to spell a word using one letter from each strip.