Class Flow: Types of Sentences
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this flipchart the students will identify the difference between a sentence and a fragment. The students will be able to identify the four types of sentences and their correct punctuation.
Class Flow: Adverbs
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart defines an adverb and gives students practice using adverbs correctly.
Class Flow: Changing Words
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart will help students to understand that some words can be changed in particular ways and others cannot, e.g. changing verb endings, adding comparative endings, pluralization, and that these...
Class Flow: Comparative and Superlative Esl
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this flipchart students are allowed to figure out how to form the comparative and the superlative forms of adjectives. There are also rules and examples included. Finally students will practice with...
Class Flow: d.o.l
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart is a Daily Oral Language practice, and some vocabulary, grammar/Language Arts practice.
Class Flow: Explore
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart explores the occurrence of certain letters within words (v and k) and deduces some of the conventions for using them at the beginning, middle and ending of words.
Class Flow: Grammar Prepositions
[Free Registration/Login Required] To help students search for, identify and classify a range of prepositions; experiment with substituting different prepositions and their effect on meaning.
Class Flow: Grammar Sentence Type
[Free Registration/Login Required] To understand how the grammar of a sentence changes when the sentence type is changed (e.g., when a statement is made into a question, a question becomes an order, a positive statement is made...
Class Flow: Grammar Verb Agreement
[Free Registration/Login Required] S2 to reread own writing to check for grammatical sense (coherence) and accuracy (agreement): to identify errors.
Class Flow: Grammar Verb Rules
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart explores the following aspects of language: Strand: Written Communication Topic: Writing Standard: Applies correct principles of grammar, parts of speech, usage, and mechanics.
Class Flow: Grammar Posse
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this lesson students will work with rules of grammar and parts of speech.
Woodward English: At on in Prepositions of Time
Complete each sentence by choosing the correct preposition in this twenty-question quiz.
University of Victoria (Canada)
University of Victoria: Study Zone: Parts of Speech 1
Choose the correct part of speech for eight different words. Check the answers, see a score, and correct any mistakes.
Pbs Teachers: Writing Development
Tour a portfolio of writing samples by one child from babyhood to third grade that help illustrate how writing develops naturally as well as the relationship between reading and writing. Consider literacy signposts at each level.
Florida Center for Reading Research
Florida Center for Reading Research: Student Center Activities, Grades 4 5
In 2006-2007, FCRR reviewed current research, collected ideas, and created materials for use in fourth and fifth-grade classrooms. The 4-5 Student Center Activities include three books and one DVD. The first two books contain Activity...
Class Flow: Sentences
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will identify the boundaries between separate sentences in reading and writing; write in complete sentences; as well as define the end of a sentence with a period, and the start of a new one... Rl.2.5 Worksheets
[Free Registration/Login Required] The following worksheets can help students practice the Common Core State Standards skill of describing the overall structure of a story.
English Worksheets Land
English Worksheets Land: Informal vs. Formal Uses of English Worksheets
Language is seen as coming in two basic forms - formal and informal. These worksheets will help students identify the different uses of language.