Read Works
Read Works: Vocabulary in Context 2nd Grade Unit: Glossary
[Free Registration/Login Required] A lesson in which students learn to use a glossary to determine the meanings of unfamiliar words. Lesson utilizes the book The Life Cycle of an Emperor Penguin by Robin Johnson and Bobbie Kalman and...
Savvas Learning
Pearson Education: The Longman Vocabulary Website: Using Context Clues
Discover how to use context clues to improve your reading skills. This resource features exercises for beginners, intermediate and advanced students. L.9-10.4a, L.8.2.B Context/Meaning
Arcademics: Extraordinary Elephants
Determine which word is the synonym of the given word then choose it to feed the elephant.
TESL Journal
Activities for Esl Students/ Homographs F Same Spelling Different Meaning
This online activity gives two definitions and asks what word, that begins with "F," fits both. Clicking the box gives the answer. There are twenty-three questions.
Learning Farm
Learning Farm: Ccs: Time, Sequence, and Cause/effect
An automated activity will engage student's learning how to describe the connection between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text. An introduction to the concept precedes...
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: L.3.5a: Distinguish Literal and Nonliteral Meanings of Words
Links to 18 lessons and activities that build student skills in standard L.3.5a: Distinguish the literal and nonliteral meanings of words and phrases in context (e.g., take steps). L.3.4.a Worksheets: Sentence Level Context as a Clue to Meaning
[Free Registration/Login Required] A site with links to 30 worksheets that can be downloaded and printed for student use while building skills with standard L.3.4.A: Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: L.3.4d: Use Glossaries or Dictionaries to Determine Meaning
Links to 2 lessons and activities that build student skills in standard L.3.4d: Use glossaries or beginning dictionaries, both print and digital, to determine or clarify the precise meaning of key words and phrases.
ICT Games
Ict Games: Pre Loaded Dictionary for Years 1 and 2
A resource that lists vocabulary words for guided writing.
Florida Center for Reading Research
Florida Center for Reading Research: Vocabulary: Words in Context [Pdf]
A lesson plan in which students look for new vocabulary words and context clues to define them while reading an independent reading book. Materials are included.
Florida Center for Reading Research
Florida Center for Reading Research: Words in Context: Looking for Meaning [Pdf]
A lesson plan in which students look for the meanings of unknown words in a text. Materials are included.
Florida Center for Reading Research
Florida Center for Reading Research: Phrases: Fluent Phrasing [Pdf]
A lesson plan in which young scholars work together to read segmented sentences out loud. Printable materials are provided.
Florida Center for Reading Research
Florida Center for Reading Research: Morpheme Structures: Word Way [Pdf]
A lesson plan in which students identify unknown words within a text, identify their parts and syllables, and work to determine the meaning of each word. Materials are included.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Using Technology in Teaching Reading
Elementary students, while working on their basal reader story for the week, will use various forms of technology to increase comprehension and other reading skills. (Other strategies may be substituted if some of the technology...
Pbs Learning Media: How to Use Reference Materials
A dictionary is one of the most useful reference books anybody could ever use. Learn how to properly understand a dictionary's formatting and content! [0:46]
Louisiana Department of Education
Louisiana Doe: Louisiana Believes: Ela Guidebooks: Word Displays
This strategy helps students understand vocabulary as the read and refine their language skills in support of writing about texts.
Louisiana Department of Education
Louisiana Doe: Louisiana Believes: Ela Guidebooks: Semantic Mapping
A strategy for developing students' vocabulary by representing the concepts of words graphically. This helps refine their understanding of vocabulary to meet expectations in reading and language.
Curated OER
Mc Graw Hill: Language: Vocabulary Acquisition: Shades of Meaning: Verbs [Pdf]
Students learn about the differences among action verbs with similar meanings by acting them out with classmates in this fun verb game.
Primary Resources
Primary Resources: To Order Words According to Shades of Meaning [Pdf]
This PDF activity has students order lists of words with similar meanings from the weakest to the strongest in meaning, select words with strongest meaning to fill in the blanks, make a list of words that mean happy, and then use them to...
Vocabulary Spelling City
Vocabulary Spelling City: Sentence Unscramble
A game where students practice reading skills by listening to a sentence and then dropping words into the correct order to form that sentence. A score is tallied and displayed after ten sentences have been completed.
Vocabulary Spelling City
Vocabulary Spelling City: Which Word Sentences
Fill in the blank for each sentence by using knowledge of geometric shapes. A score is tallied and displayed after ten sentences have been completed.
Vocabulary Spelling City
Vocabulary Spelling City: Which Word Sentences 2
Fill in the blank for each sentence by using context clues. A score is tallied and displayed after ten sentences have been completed.
Vocabulary Spelling City
Vocabulary Spelling City: Which Word Sentences 3
Fill in the blank for each sentence by using context clues. A score is tallied and displayed after ten sentences have been completed.