Class Flow: Spelling and Vocabulary Activities
[Free Registration/Login Required] Various activities to build spelling and vocabulary comprehension. Includes unscrambling spelling words, matching vocabulary with definition, context sentences, ABC order, word sort, and word order.
Class Flow: Using the Dictionary
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart was created to teach dictionary skills to second and third grade students. It has a lot of practice opportunities built in and an Activote quiz. It was designed to use over several days.
Class Flow: Vocabulary Seven Weeks on an Iceberg
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will be able to match vocabulary words to their correct meanings after doing the activities in the flipcharts.
Class Flow: Dictionary Use
[Free Registration/Login Required] This resource introduces students to dictionaries. It covers what a dictionary is used for, what types of information you will find in a dictionary, guide words and their purpose, and how to use a...
Class Flow: Graphic Organizer Word Map
[Free Registration/Login Required] This graphic organizer is a word map helping students with building vocabulary. Students are asked to define, use the word in a sentence, give a synonym and draw a picture of the word. This is...
Class Flow: Guide Words
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this flipchart students will learn how to locate words on the page of a dictionary by using guide words.
Class Flow: Hot and Cold Summer
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart is based on the 5th grade Harcourt Reading Series. The lessons focus on spelling, grammar and vocabulary. Many items are linked to activities. The students will be engaged!
Class Flow: How to Use a Thesaurus
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart will review how to use a thesaurus. Uses links to an online web thesaurus to look up various words. Great starting point.
Class Flow: Library Dictionary
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart can be used in a library/resource center to illustrate alphabetical order and how books are arranged on the shelves in the library. It also discusses alphabetical order to help teach...
Class Flow: Mfc Do Animals Think?
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart contains the story on MP3, inferences, vocabulary activities, comprehension questions, distinguishing between thoughts and instincts, Activote, and web extensions.
Class Flow: Multiple Meaning Words
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students choose which one word fits best into both sentences.
Great Schools: Glossary
This is a PDF printable worksheet for grades 1-3 to teach students how to use a glossary to answer questions.
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: Sequential Word Games
This article discusses the use of sequential word games Scrabble and Boggle to build vocabulary.
Quizlet: 3rd Grade Story Elements and Plot Vocabulary: Flashcards
This set of interactive flashcards focuses on story element terms and their definitions. These terms include the following: introduction, setting, characters, conflict, rising action, falling action, point of view, moral, plot, and...
Quizlet: 3rd Grade History: Chapter 5: Flashcards
This set of flashcards focuses on 14 vocabulary terms for 3rd-grade history including the terms and definitions.
Teaching Ideas: Using a Thesaurus
Use this worksheet activity to develop your thesaurus research skills. Rf.2.4.c Worksheets, Workbooks, Lesson Plans, and Games
[Free Registration/Login Required] These worksheets, games, and lesson plans can help students practice the Common Core State Standards skill of using context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as...
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: What Is a Vocabulary Context Clues Lesson Plan?
This lesson plan uses Mad Libs to teach vocabulary using context clues to define unknown words.