Mythweb is devoted to the heroes, gods, and monsters of Greek mythology. Students can click on the Greek character they'd like to study, and read more information for that character.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Using Technology in Teaching Reading
Elementary students, while working on their basal reader story for the week, will use various forms of technology to increase comprehension and other reading skills. (Other strategies may be substituted if some of the technology...
Mythweb: Greek Mythology: Perseus
An upbeat retelling of the Greek myth of Perseus. The myth traces the events of his life from his birth through his immortality including his battle with the Gordon Medusa. This modern retelling includes humor, information about myth...
Mythweb: Greek Mythology: The Labors of Heracles from Greek Mythology
A modern retelling of the Greek myth of Heracles, also known in Roman mythology as Hercules. The story begins with Heracles' birth and tells of his twelve labors, including defeating the Nemean Lion, the Hydra, the Minotaur, and more....
Mythweb: Greek Mythology: Bellerophon
A retelling of the Greek myth of Bellerophon in modern language with a casual tone. Learn of Bellerophon's adventures as he fought the Chimaera with the help of the gods and the winged horse Pegasus. This modern retelling includes humor,...
S.E. Schlosser
American Folklore: Connecticut Folklore
Read brief folktales, myths, and legends from the state of Connecticut.
S.E. Schlosser
American Folklore: Delaware Folklore
Read a brief folktale, myth, or legend from the state of Delaware.
S.E. Schlosser
American Folklore: Hawaii Folklore
Read brief folktales, myths and legends from the state of Hawaii.
Quia: Greek & Latin Roots Skills
In this matching game, students match Greek and Latin roots with their meanings.
Ccss Literacy E Handbook: Informational Text: Understand Precise Vocabulary
A short explanation of the importance of using precise word choice in writing and using context clues to help you understand the meaning of precise words when reading. Click on Model to for an example with explanation and then click on...
Ccss Literacy E Handbook: Informational Text: Understand Content Words
A short example of using context clues to determine the meaning of unfamiliar content words. Click on Practice to practice using context clues.
Encyclopedia Mythica
Encyclopedia Mythica: Chinese Mythology
Click the names on the left for information on these characters and places from Chinese mythology.
Scholastic: Teaching With Nonfiction: Teach Text Features
A brief lesson plan, this site offers an example of non-fiction text and a graphic organizer to help orient students to the features they need to use when reading for information.
SMART Technologies
Smart: Making Inferences
Inferencing is finding clues and using background knowledge to determine an explanation from facts in a passage or story. It's "reading between the lines" of a story to understand what the author doesn't state.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Unit: Reading Comprehension and Structure
This unit focuses on reading comprehension and structure. It includes lessons on the main idea and supporting details, theme, sequence, fact and opinion, literary devices, character, text features, inferences, organization of nonfiction,...
TES Global
Blendspace: The Lightning Thief
A thirteen-part learning module including links to informational sites about Greek gods and goddesses, a rap song, the Greek alphabet, several myths followed by questions or assessments, and a dictionary. All links provide background...
TES Global
Blendspace: Ela: Character Traits
Four video clips followed by questions to help students learn to identify character traits in literary texts.
TES Global
Blendspace: Greek Mythology
A twenty-part learning module with links to images, websites, and texts about Greek mythology.
Mocomi & Anibrain Digital Technologies
Mocomi: Sir Dig a Lot: History Mysteries: Pandora's Box
An engaging way to understand the ancient Greek story of Pandora's Box in a modern day way.
Class Flow: Story Vote
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students use information from their reading and writing to increase vocabulary and enhance language usage in this flipchart. The use of Activotes is incorporated for assessment. A literary elements...
Class Flow: That's Greek
[Free Registration/Login Required] Did you know that at least half of the words in the English language are derived from Greek and Latin roots? Students use these roots to grasp meaning of words before looking them up in the dictionary....
American Museum of Natural History
American Museum of Natural History: O Logy: Mermaid
The myth of the mermaid has been found in stories of many cultures. Take the quiz and learn more about this mythical creature. Flashcard format.