University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Story Mapping
Site provides extensive assistance in preparing 4th grade students for Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test. This section focuses on story mapping, which helps students put events of a story in sequential order.
Wisconsin Educational Communication Board: Into the Book
This series of videos and interactive activities provide an excellent set of resources for teaching or learning the 8 research based reading strategies provided here. After receiving your "key" you can investigate the features inside and...
Read Write Think: Poetry: A Feast to Form Fluent Readers
Students will learn how to use theory to practice methods to help them discuss the meaning of written texts. Student objectives and instructional plans are provided. Some resources on this link may need additional software to operate...
Read Write Think: Color Poems: Using the Five Senses to Guide Prewriting
Contains plans for four 50-minute lessons that ask young scholars to use their five senses for poetry prewriting. In addition to student objectives and standards, this instructional plan contains links to PDF handouts and sites used in...
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Cause and Effect
Site provides extensive assistance in preparing 4th grade students for Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test. This section helps students identify cause and effect in literature.
[Free Registration/Login Required] Newsela offers new current events articles daily in areas ranging from the arts to war and peace. Each article is available at five different reading levels; grade level and word count are displayed for...
TES Global
Tes: Yr 5 Poetry Unit 1 a Poetic Style
[Free Registration/Login Required] This learning module engages students in analyzing different poems. A poetry unit overview, a poetry checklist, figurative language notes, sixteen poems and graphic organizers are included to help...
Scholastic: Poetry Writing
This site comes from the Scholastic website and provides a teacher's guide to writing poetry. This lesson plan is put together very well and provides an outline of the project, learning objectives, assessment information and much more.
Read Works
Read Works: Passages: Partial Eclipse
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students read a fiction text about a boy named Marcus who watched a partial eclipse through a telescope and answer questions about comprehension, climax, supporting details, characterization,...
Read Works
Read Works: Water Woes
[Free Registration/Login Required] This nonfiction piece includes information about the world's water shortage. This passage is a stand-alone curricular piece that reinforces essential reading skills and strategies and establishes...
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: Interactive Strategy Workbook
Read two poems and reflect on the numerous teaching strategies featured in Teaching Multicultural Literature . Choose strategies to explore, and consider how you might adapt them for these poems and your students. Then compile and print...
Academy of American Poets Curriculum and Lesson Plans
This collection of resources assists educators in teaching students about the art of poetry. Includes links to poetry with grade level, lesson plans, discussion suggestions and classroom exercises. RL.9-10.10a&b text complexity,...
Read Works
Read Works: Poems & Questions for National Poetry Month
[Free Registration/Login Required] This site contains a collection of sets of poems with comprehension questions. The poems were joined as a resource for teachers who are recognizing National Poetry Month during April of each year.
Nsw Department of Education and Training: Picture This [Pdf]
Reading unit plan focusing on picture books. It contains ten days worth of teaching suggestions that use a variety of reading strategies including modeled as well as independent reading and writing. Also includes five printable...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Start and Stop Poetry
In this lesson young scholars will analyze the cyclical patterns within poetry.
E Reading Worksheets
E Reading Worksheets: Setting Worksheets
In this learning module, students will study the concept of setting in literary text. Worksheets and PowerPoint lessons are provided to help students practice with finding "settings" and then citing reasons that support their answers.
Curated OER
Mc Graw Hill: Structure Within Prose
Read an excerpt from the story "The Turkey Maiden" to learn about the different elements then practice on your own.
Eduscapes: Themes & Literature Circles
This site provides guidance in creating literature circles based on cross-curricular themes that will help to improve literacy. The site emphasizes both theory and practice, with lots of practical suggestions.
Read Write Think: Multipurpose Poetry: Introducing Science Concepts
How do you develop a cross curricular activity? Come to this website and watch this lesson unfold into several curricular areas.
Read Write Think: Peace Poems and Picasso Doves
This lesson plan develops "think-aloud strategies" for reading poetry and incorporating symbols of peace in poetry and art. Included in the lesson plan is an overview, practice, objectives, resources, preparation, and more.
Read Write Think: Dynamite Diamante Poetry
Contains plans for five lessons that teach about parts of speech, gerunds, and vocabulary by having young scholars write diamante poetry. In addition to objectives and standards, this instructional plan contains links to sites used in...
Read Write Think: Technical Reading and Writing Using Board Games
Contains plans for a game that helps teach technical reading and writing while reviewing a novel that students have read. In addition to objectives and standards, this instructional plan contains links to sites used in the lessons as...
Read Write Think: Compiling Poetry Collections and a Working Definition of Poetry
Contains plans for eight lessons in a poetry unit that asks students to write poetry in various forms after reading models. In addition to objectives and standards, this instructional plan contains links to sites used in the lessons as...
University of Victoria (Canada)
The U Vic Writer's Guide: Literary Term: Ballad
The University of Victoria's English department gives a comprehensive definition of the "ballad" poetic form. Short examples included.