Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Animals Not to [Verb] With
In this lesson, students will create 4 original poems within a particular rhythm and rhyme scheme.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Painting Places With Words
In this instructional activity students learn how to paint a setting with their descriptive choice of words.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Character Credo Poems
Build your student's vocabulary, word choice and voice by asking them to write from the perspective of a particular character. Lesson plan incorporates the R.A.F.T.S. strategy: role, audience, format, topic and strong verb.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: The Wacky "I Will Not" Chalkboard
Students can use this writing idea from the book Wacky We-Search Reports by Barry Lane to demonstrate understanding in any content area. Students use the idea of writing "I will not " sentences to show their knowledge of various...
English for Everyone
English for Everyone: Sentence Completion 3: Level 3 [Pdf]
English for Everyone provides a printable quiz to assess the recall of words associated with map directions. Level 3 adjectives and adverbs are also emphasized on this assessment.
Curated OER
Mc Graw Hill: Part 2 Reading Informational Text: Understand Precise Vocabulary
Learn how to use context clues to help you define precise vocabulary words that you may not know.
Curated OER
Mc Graw Hill: 4th Grade Use Details and Examples
When reading a story learn how to recall specific examples from the text to answer comprehension questions. In addition, you can also use story details to make inferences.
Kid Bibs: Effective Use of Textbook Features
Here, parents and teachers can find tips for helping young readers understand the expository writing found in textbooks.
Pearson Education: Declarative and Interrogative Sentences [Pdf]
Here is a set of worksheets on identifying and using declarative and interrogative sentences.
Vocabulary University
My vocabulary.com: Vocabulary Word List for Health and Physical Education
This page offers links to word lists with about 9,000 words pertaining to Health and Physical Education.
Vocabulary University
My vocabulary.com: Nutrition
This page has a variety of vocabulary puzzles and activities using 20 vocabulary words pertaining to nutrition. It also offers an extensive list of nutrition vocabulary words, a list of words for 4th and 5th graders, lesson plan ideas,...
Live Worksheets: Question Words
This interactive worksheet features interrogative sentences with missing question words. Students will type in one of following words or phrases into each sentence: who, what, where, why, when, how, and more. Students will then submit...
Rhl School: English Basics: Real Sentences
How do you know that a group of words is really a sentence? This resource features examples of complete and incomplete sentences that students can identify and fix.
Hopelink: Reading Lesson Idea: Vocabulary Games
Begin building a better vocabulary through this comprehensive lesson plan with vocabulary games. L.11-12. 6 Vocabulary
Wisconsin Response to Intervention Center
Wisconsin Rt I Center: Frayer Model [Pdf]
Classroom teachers will learn about the Frayer Model, an engaging instructional strategy tool. Teachers will learn how to implement the Frayer Model, understand how to measure progress with the Frayer Model, find research that supports...
Tutorial World: Basic Reading Worksheets for Grade 5
This is a site for teachers looking for worksheets for fifth-grade English students. Includes vocabulary, grammar, sentence construction, comprehension and revision.
Grammarly Blog: What Are Adjectives?
This blog article explains what adjectives are, what they can do in sentences, and provides examples of each.
English Grammar Revolution: Types of Sentences
This site offers a brief tutorial on the four types of sentences, then two exercises of 10 sentences each, for student practice or assessment. Answers are also available.
Read Works
Read Works: Vocabulary in Context 3rd Grade Unit: Contrasting Statements
[Free Registration/Login Required] A lesson plan in which students learn to use contrasting statements within a sentences to determine the meanings of unfamiliar words. Lesson includes directions for direct teaching, guided practice, and...
Read Write Think: Acquiring New Vocabulary
This lesson teaches elementary students new vocabulary terms through book discussion groups. Students use context clues, prior knowledge, and print and online resources for vocabulary understanding in their discussion.
Wisconsin Response to Intervention Center
Wisconsin Rt I Center: Interactive Word Walls [Pdf]
Classroom teachers will learn about interactive word walls, an engaging instructional strategy. Teachers will learn how to implement word walls, find research that supports the practice, and find examples.
Vocabulary University
My vocabulary.com: Presidents' Day
This page has a variety of vocabulary puzzles and activities using 36 vocabulary words on the topic of Presidents' Day. It also includes an extensive Vocabulary Word List for Presidents' Day (382 words) and ideas for President's Day...
University at Buffalo
Writing Strategies
Provides some help with the difficult job of teaching writing by providing some strategies for students to follow. Easy to navigate from the top of the page, strategies are categorized into grade 3-6 and 6-12, in addition to lesson plan...
Tutorial World: Primary 4 English
This site is for teachers looking for worksheets for fourth-grade language arts students. Includes vocabulary, grammar, sentence construction, comprehension and revision.