English Club
English Club: Learn English: Grammar: Grammar Quizzes: Parts of Speech Quiz
Choose a word that corresponds to each of the parts of speech listed in this ten-question quiz. Answers and a percentage score is available upon completion.
English Club
English Club: Learn English: Grammar: Grammatical Terms Quiz
Choose the correct grammatical term for each of the ten definitions provided. When finished, answers can be checked and a percentage score is provided.
English Club
English Club: Learn English: Vocabulary: Word Classes and Word Forms
Links to information on different word forms including verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, interjections, prefixes, suffixes, contractions, and "wh" question words.
Application Magazine
Aplicaciones: Ortografia Interactiva De S Y X
Eleven different exercises are provided so you can test your knowledge of words that are spelled with an s or an x. Final score will be provided.
English Club
English Club: Learn English: Grammar: Grammar Vocabulary
A glossary of twenty-three common grammar terms; a link to a vocabulary quiz over usage is provided. L.11-12.1b Usage issues
Road to Grammar
Road to Grammar: Chopped
Race against the clock to create words by removing unneeded letters.
Road to Grammar
Road to Grammar: Merge
Race against the clock to create words by removing unneeded letters.
Road to Grammar
Road to Grammar: Types of Fruit
Put the letters in the correct order to spell the type of fruit that matches each picture.
Road to Grammar
Road to Grammar: Things Around the House
Put the letters in the correct order to spell the household item that matches each picture.
Road to Grammar
Road to Grammar: Describing Weather
Lean twenty-two words to use when describing the weather by reading short passages and using context clues to define weather related vocabulary words.
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: Teaching Plural Possessives
This site focuses on teaching plural possessive nouns and pronouns including what they are and methods of teaching them including using flashcards, and plural possessive Bingo, Wheel of Fortune, and Jeopardy.
Vocabulary Spelling City
Vocabulary Spelling City: Match It: Sentence Game: Plural Words
Practice vocabulary and reading comprehension skills while completing ten sentences by connecting each word with the sentence it completes.
Vocabulary Spelling City
Vocabulary Spelling City: Match It: Sentence Game: Plurals and Possessives
Fill in the blanks in seven sentences by matching the plural or possessive noun that completes each sentence.
TES Global
Blendspace: There, Their, They're
A learning module that includes seven links to images, videos, activities, and a quiz about the homonyms: there, their, and they're.
TES Global
Blendspace: There, Their and They're
A sixteen-part learning module with links to images, texts, a video, and a quiz about the homonyms there, their, and they're.
English Club
English Club: Learn English: Grammar: What Is a Sentence?
An explanation of a sentence and its parts.
English Grammar 101: Possessive Nouns
Online grammar lesson gives an explanation of possessive nouns with follow-up practice exercises. Immediate feedback is provided.
Class Flow: Nouns and Adjectives Making Sentences
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this flipchart, students will apply what they have learned about nouns and adjectives to make complete sentences. This is a cloze activity which scaffolds learning by providing students with context...
Class Flow: Parts of Speech Nouns
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart helps students to understand the difference between common and proper nouns, plural and singular nouns, possessive nouns, and abstract, concrete, and collective nouns.
Class Flow: Plural Possessive
[Free Registration/Login Required] With this lesson students will be able to identify and use plural possessive nouns.
Class Flow: Plurals
[Free Registration/Login Required] Investigate, collect and classify spelling patterns in pluralization; construct rules for regular spellings.
Class Flow: Possessive Perfection
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart explains the rules for singular, plural and irregular possessives. Students are given an opportunity to identify and create correct possessive forms.
Class Flow: Prefixes Review
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will use their knowledge of prefixes to generate new words from root words and to understand how they give clues to the meaning of a word.
Class Flow: Prepositions
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart presents a lesson on prepositions. Activities give students practice using them correctly. Assessment questions evaluate understanding.