Robin L. Simmons

Grammar Bytes: Exercise 2: Finding Comma Splices and Fused Sentences

For Students 3rd - 8th Standards
Recognize comma splices and fused sentences by clicking on the error in 20 sentences.
Robin L. Simmons

Grammar Bytes: Exercise 3: Finding Comma Splices and Fused Sentences

For Students 3rd - 8th Standards
Recognize comma splices and fused sentences by clicking on the error in 20 sentences.
Robin L. Simmons

Grammar Bytes: Exercise 4: Finding Comma Splices and Fused Sentences

For Students 3rd - 8th Standards
Choose the best way to correct sentences errors identified in 20 sentences.
Robin L. Simmons

Grammar Bytes: Exercise 5: Finding Comma Splices and Fused Sentences

For Students 3rd - 8th Standards
Choose the best way to correct sentences errors identified in 20 sentences.
Robin L. Simmons

Grammar Bytes: Apostrophes: Exercise 1

For Students 3rd - 8th Standards
Practice apostrophe usage by deciding if the apostrophe in each of these 20 sentences is used correctly.
Robin L. Simmons

Grammar Bytes: Apostrophes: Exercise 2

For Students 3rd - 8th Standards
Practice apostrophe usage by deciding if the apostrophes in each of these 20 sentences are used correctly.
Robin L. Simmons

Grammar Bytes: Apostrophes: Exercise 3

For Students 3rd - 8th Standards
Practice apostrophe usage by deciding if the apostrophes in each of these 20 sentences are used correctly.
Robin L. Simmons

Grammar Bytes: Apostrophes: Exercise 4

For Students 3rd - 8th Standards
Practice apostrophe usage typing the possessive word that replaces the underlined phrase in each of 20 sentences.
Robin L. Simmons

Grammar Bytes: Apostrophes: Exercise 5

For Students 3rd - 8th Standards
Practice apostrophe usage typing the possessive word that replaces the underlined phrase in each of 20 sentences.
Robin L. Simmons

Grammar Bytes: Commas: Exercise 1

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This Grammar Bytes site shares an interactive commas quiz. Given two options per question, students will choose the option that will fix the comma error. A downloadable handout is available to keep track of the students' answers.
Robin L. Simmons

Grammar Bytes: Commas: Exercise 2

For Students 3rd - 8th Standards
Practice comma usage by correcting any comma errors in these 20 sentences.
Robin L. Simmons

Grammar Bytes: Commas: Exercise 4

For Students 3rd - 8th Standards
Practice comma usage by placing commas correctly in each sentence.

Grammarly Handbook: Comma Before And

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This page focuses on the use of a comma before the word "and." It explains using a comma between items in a series with the use of "and" and before "and" when it is in front of an independent clause. Examples are provided.
Unknown Type

Lancashire Schools: Literacy: Plural "Y" Endings

For Students 2nd - 5th Standards
This site offers a self-scoring quiz changing singular words that end in Y to plurals. Students type in the correct spelling of the plural.

Project l.a.: Possessive Nouns

For Students 2nd - 5th Standards
Designed for elementary students, this Internet viewable slide show explains how to form possessives, then provides practice sentences. At the end are links to an online practice quiz and a printable worksheet.

Quia: Punctuation Commas and End Marks

For Students 2nd - 8th Standards
Play Hangman as you recall the basic types of sentences and punctuation marks. Great fun!

Illinois State U.: Punctuation Made Simple Semicolon

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
What purpose does a semicolon serve in punctuation? Explore this website to learn more about this small but powerful grammar tool.
Robin L. Simmons

Grammar Bytes: Presentations: Fragments, Comma Splices, and Fused Sentences

For Students 3rd - 6th Standards
A PowerPoint slide explaining common sentence errors and how to correct them. Questions that may be found on standardized tests are included.
Robin L. Simmons

Grammar Bytes: Standard Punctuation Power Point

For Students 3rd - 5th Standards
Learn about using end marks, commas, semicolons, and apostrophes correctly. Practice identifying correct usage in questions that could be found on standardized tests.
Unknown Type
English Worksheets Land

English Worksheets Land: Using Commas With Introductory Phrases [Pdf]

For Students 4th - 6th Standards
This learning exercise requires that you identify correctly punctuated sentences with introductory elements, then correct those which are incorrect.

Cayuga Community College: Clauses, Phrases, and Commas [Pdf]

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Learn about phrases, dependent and independent clauses, and how to use commas appropriately with clauses and phrases.

Library Online: Colon and Semicolon Punctuation in Writing

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Rules and examples in list form demonstrating the proper use of both the colon and semicolon.

Comma Rules

For Students 3rd - 8th Standards
Ten detailed comma rules are found on this page.
The Write Place

Literacy Education Online: Avoiding Comma Splices and Run Ons

For Students 3rd - 8th Standards
An informational page outlining the definitions and uses of comma splices, run-on sentences, and fused sentences. A great resource for students struggling with these in their writing.