University of Victoria (Canada)
University of Victoria: Study Zone: Parts of Speech 1
Choose the correct part of speech for eight different words. Check the answers, see a score, and correct any mistakes.
Class Flow: Prepositional Poem
[Free Registration/Login Required] The students have studied prepositions. Students will use the pen/highlighting tool to answer the review questions. As a culminating project they will create a poem showing that they understand...
University of Ottawa (Canada)
Univeristy of Ottawa: Parts of Speech Review Exercise
How well can you identify the 8 basic parts of speech? This site can help you find out.
British Council
British Council: Learn English: Comparing and Contrasting Modifying Comparatives
Students complete five sentences by dragging the correct comparative phrase into the box in each sentence. Students can check their answers and see their scores when finished with the exercise.
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: 5th Grade Grammar
This article focuses on the grammar learned in the 5th grade including writing narrative paragraphs, homonyms, synonyms, and irregular plurals.
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: 6th Grade Grammar
This article focuses on grammar generally taught in 6th grade including more complicated reading material; roots, prefixes, and suffixes; and subjective and objective pronouns.
College Claparede (Switzerland)
English Exercises Online: Verbs and Prepositions (2)
Complete each of the 25 sentences in this exercise by typing the correct preposition into the box. Hint are available if needed, and answers can be checked when finished.
My English Pages: Grammar Exercise: Conjunctions
10 question self-checking grammar exercise tests understanding of conjunctions.
College Claparede (Switzerland)
English Exercises Online: Verbs and Prepositions (1)
Complete each of the 25 sentences in this exercise by typing the correct preposition into the box. Hint are available if needed, and answers can be checked when finished.