Grammar Check
Grammar Check: Learn How to Write an Essay Like the Pros (Infographic)
An infographic is provided to help students with writing essays. Explicit information about essay writing steps are included. Essay mistakes relative to the content and style are articulated, along with features specific to essays.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Write an Expository And/or Procedural Text (English 6 Writing)
You will learn how to write an expository/procedural text with a variety of sentence structures, rhetorical devices, transitions, appropriate facts, and details.
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: On Paragraphs
A comprehensive approach to writing coherent paragraphs and knowing how to transition between paragraphs.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Holt, Rinehart and Winston: Writer's Model: Autobiographical Narrative Example
This four-page essay provides an example of an autobiographical narrative. Clicking on the "Writer's Guide" link in the upper right-hand corner of the page enables the user to get tips, directions, and explanations on the essay.
Capital Community College Foundation
Guide to Grammar and Writing: Paragraph Development
This site from the Capital Community College helps with paragraph development and topic sentences.
Capital Community College Foundation
Guide to Grammar and Writing: The Five Paragraph Essay
Explains what each paragraph of the five-paragraph essay, should do. Then gives a side-by-side analysis of a sample essay, pointing out aspects of the introduction and thesis statement, the paragraph-by-paragraph development, and the...
Pbs Learning Media: Out of Proportion
Students are asked to explain how natural disasters affect environmental health.
Ad Improve Performance on Reading Comprehension Tests
This article describes some of the thought processes that can help students perform well on standardized tests of reading comprehension. It includes two reading passages along with sample test questions that call on skills that eighth...
Ad Extended Writing to Learn Strategies
Writing enables students to process, organize, formulate, and extend their thinking about what they have been learning. In addition, teachers can also assign writing to help students evaluate what they know and understand about a topic....
Ad Key Literacy Component: Writing
Students who don't write well aren't able to learn and communicate effectively. This article explains what good writing skills are and how to help struggling young writers gain those skills through proper instruction.
Ad A Summary of "Writing Next"
What does research tell us about effective teaching techniques to help adolescents develop their writing skills? This article summarizes Writing Next, a 2007 study of adolescent writing instruction.
SUNY Empire State College
Empire State College: Essay Writing Workshop
This site by Empire State College explains the entire process of essay writing. It begins by defining what an essay is and continues then through the entire process, from prewriting to gathering information to shaping information to...
University of Richmond
University of Richmond: Putting Voice Into a Paper
This site provides tips and activities to help students develop voice in their writing. The tips are brief and direct and, if followed, should help a writer improve both voice and confidence.
ACT360 Media
Act Den: Writing Den
Need some extra help in spelling, grammar, and writing? Search no further. The writing den gives great tips for sentence structure and even on writing essays. A lot of great information for language arts students and teachers.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Interjected Emotions!: Voicing a Story
By incorporating properly used conventions of grammar, students will begin writing a narrative based on an interjection and a name.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: I Wanna: Writing a Persuasive Letter
In this lesson plan, students will experiment with word choice as it relates to persuasion.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Giving Voice to Opposites
In this lesson, students will develop a narrative in opposing voices.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Just the Facts, Ma'am: Voice an Original Mystery
In this lesson, young scholars will create a narrative with dialogue based on a particular voice.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Imitating a Newspaper's Voice With a Funny and Original Idea
In this creative instructional activity, students will create a voice for a tabloid feature within a fairy-tale world.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Don't Eat Me Monologues
In this lesson plan, students will create a 5-part (introduction, 3 ideas, conclusion) monologue incorporating persuasive techniques and strong word choice.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Creative Convincing
In this lesson, students will create a friendly letter taking on the persona and voice of a persuasive animal.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Serendipitous Character Descriptions
In this lesson plan, students create a unique character and develop a descriptive paragraph utilizing strong word choice.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Dialogue Adventures
In this lesson students will learn how to write dialogue in a particular voice.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Three Voice Important Book Passages
A lesson plan made for students to write from various perspectives regarding the same topic. The mentor text entitled The Important Book is used, as students become more familiar with voice, point of view, persuasive techniques and the...