Towson University
Towson University: Online Writing Support: Self Teaching Unit: Pronoun Case
This lesson focuses on pronoun case including subjective, objective, and possessive case. It provides examples of each and also discusses personal pronouns, reflexive / intensive pronouns, and the use of Who and Whom. It offers links to...
University of Victoria (Canada)
Study Zone: Forms of Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives
Basic information and a follow-up exercise about possessive pronouns and adjectives. Color-coded examples are provided for easy understanding.
Grammarly Handbook: Reciprocal Pronouns
An explanation with examples of reciprocal pronouns and how they are used in sentences.
University of Ottawa (Canada)
University of Ottawa: Using Pronouns
Clear and simple explanation of the various types of pronouns, this site is easy to read and follow.
Get It Write
Get It Write: Possessives: The Issue of Ownership
Are you confused about how to express separate or joint ownership? This tutorial offers examples and explanations about which constructions are correct. A brief quiz checks your understanding.
Get It Write
Get It Write: Reflexive Pronouns
In this tutorial leson, students will find a list of reflexive pronouns, examples of them in context, and explanations of when to use them. A short quiz is provided at the end of the lesson.
Wisc Online: Personal Pronouns
In this learning module, students read about the difference between the subject and object form of personal pronouns and test their knowledge in practice exercises.
Fact Monster
Fact Monster: Pronouns: Subjective, Objective, Possessive, Demonstrative, Etc.
This grammatical reference shares definitions of each type of pronoun. Each category of pronoun includes several examples. The following types of pronouns are included: demonstrative pronouns, indefinite pronouns, intensive pronouns,...
Grammar Monster: What Are Possessive Pronouns?
Get a better understanding of possessive pronouns with definitions, examples, lists, antecedents, and a five-question quiz.
Gcf Global: I, Me, and Other Pronouns
Learn the proper use of I, me, and other pronouns. Includes a chart that tells you which pronouns can replace subjects and which can replace objects.
Get It Write
Get It Write: Singular Indefinite Personal Pronouns: Part I
A brief tutorial on the use of indefinite personal prounouns. Included is a list of third-person singular pronouns and a short quiz.
Grammarly Blog: Who and Whom
This page focuses on correctly using who or whom. Since who is a subjective pronoun, you can try replacing it with another subjective pronoun such as he or she to see how it sounds. Whom is an objective pronoun and can be replaced with...
Bbc: Skillswise: Pronouns
Learn more about personal pronouns and how they are used in everyday writing. Explore the world of personal pronouns when you use the links found in this informative resource.
Tidewater Community College: Writing Center: Pronoun Agreement
This site has information on guidelines for proper pronoun usage. Topics covered include agreement in person, number, and gender.
Pbs Learning Media: Proper Case for Pronouns
Pronoun case is determined by how we use the pronoun in a sentence. There are three ways: subjective, when the pronoun does something; objective, when something is done to our pronoun; and possessive, when our pronoun possesses...
Ab Cya: Parts of Speech Quest 5 Pronouns
A terrible dragon has attacked the kingdom of Lingua and only a Pronouns Master will be able to save it. Will it be you? Put your knowledge of pronouns to the test as you venture through Parts of Speech Quest - Pronouns!
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Possessive Pronoun and Adjectives
Learn to use possessive pronouns and adjectives.
English Plus+
Grammar Plus: Using Indefinite Pronouns
This lesson from Grammar Plus defines and give usage rules for indefinite pronouns.
SUNY Empire State College
Empire State College: Pronouns and Pronouns
This writing lab tutorial explains the usage of pronouns in proper writing. Exercises included.
SUNY Empire State College
Empire State College: Nouns and Their Pronouns
This resource provides a tutorial about nouns and pronouns.
University College London
University College London: Subjective Pronouns
Short explanation of subjective pronouns. Includes example sentences of correct and incorrect usage.
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Using Pronouns Clearly
Grammar helper lesson that defines pronouns and explains their use. Includes sections: Agree in Number, Agree in Person, and Refer Clearly to a Specific Noun.
Pro Profs: Pronoun Antecedent Agreement
Test your knowledge of pronoun-antecedent agreement by taking this 10 question quiz. Immediate feedback is given.
Quia: Possessive Pronoun Jeopardy
Choose the correct possessive pronoun to complete each sentence as you complete against another player in this Jeopardy-style game.