Soft Schools
Soft Schools: Common Grammar Mistakes Quiz
Clear up the confusion of troublesome grammar mistakes with these quizzes on correct grammar usage. Includes word choices and verb selection.
Soft Schools
Soft Schools: Confusing Words: Their/there/they're: Who's/whose Quiz
Clear up the confusion of troublesome verbs with this interactive Language Arts skill-building site. Students' engage in quizzes that tackle grammar usage and the confusing verbs: Their/There/They're and Who's/Whose.
Soft Schools
Soft Schools: Confusing Words Quiz: Accept/except, Affect/effect
This 12 question quiz asks students to select the correct words to fit in sentences. Java is required.
Application Magazine
Aplicaciones: Ortografia Interactiva De B, v Y W
On this website you will find twenty exercises so you can test your spelling with words that contain b, v and w.
Application Magazine
Aplicaciones: Ortografia Interactiva De H
Twenty exercises are provided so you can test your spelling with words that may contain the letter h. You will get your score at the end.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Editing Techniques: Checking Your Spelling
This lesson goes over checking a composition for spelling errors. This tutorial lesson shares a short slideshow with the lesson's content.
Spelling It Right: Learn How to Spell Confidently
Free help with spelling from an experienced English teacher! Worksheets, advice, and help are available. The worksheets are each a complete lesson on a specific spelling skill. L.9-10.2c Spelling, L.11-12.2b Spelling
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Spelling: Common Words That Sound Alike
Brought to you by the Purdue University Online Writing Lab, common words that sound alike are listed. Examples: we're, where, were; your, you're; conscious, conscience. L.11-12.2b Spelling
Clear Ink/spell Web: Let the Web Decide!
A different type of spell checker, giving results from search engines, not based on dictionary word lists, but on frequency of use on the Web. If you're looking for a word that hasn't become official or want to see whether one...
Shared Visions Unlimited
Shared Visions Unlimited: Exploring English
This is the portal to a website that provides a graphically colorful tutorial to the English language including the parts of speech, sentences, style guidelines, usage, punctuation, spelling, and so on.
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: 4th Grade Grammar
This article focuses on the grammar of 4th grade including the beginning of more adult conversation, a grammar review from previous grades, more irregular verbs, prepositions and prepositional phrases, and improved sentence structure.
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: 5th Grade Grammar
This article focuses on the grammar learned in the 5th grade including writing narrative paragraphs, homonyms, synonyms, and irregular plurals.
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: Teaching Spelling in 6th Grade
This article focuses on spelling in the 6th grade including vowel-consonant spelling patterns, spelling study strategies, and links to word lists and spelling games.
Fun Brain
Fun Brain: Spella Roo
Find an interactive spelling game that gives instant feedback. Players try to identify one misspelled word within each sentence. Two levels of difficulty.
Class Flow: Spelling Mistakes
[Free Registration/Login Required] Pupils will learn to identify spelling mistakes in sentences with this flipchart.
My English Pages: Grammar Exercise: Conjunctions
10 question self-checking grammar exercise tests understanding of conjunctions.
Road to Grammar
Road to Grammar: Word Strips
Move the tiles into place to spell a word using one letter from each strip.
Stage Door: Word Traps
This reference guide helps to discriminate words that confuse people with their spelling or meaning.
English Grammar Lessons: Descent, Decent, Dissent
Learn about the difference between three commonly confused vocabulary terms, followed by a self-assessment quiz.