University of Richmond
University of Richmond: Putting Voice Into a Paper
This site provides tips and activities to help students develop voice in their writing. The tips are brief and direct and, if followed, should help a writer improve both voice and confidence.
ACT360 Media
Act Den: Writing Den
Need some extra help in spelling, grammar, and writing? Search no further. The writing den gives great tips for sentence structure and even on writing essays. A lot of great information for language arts students and teachers.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: I Wanna: Writing a Persuasive Letter
In this lesson plan, students will experiment with word choice as it relates to persuasion.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Giving Voice to Opposites
In this lesson, students will develop a narrative in opposing voices.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Just the Facts, Ma'am: Voice an Original Mystery
In this lesson, young scholars will create a narrative with dialogue based on a particular voice.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Imitating a Newspaper's Voice With a Funny and Original Idea
For this creative lesson, young scholars will create a voice for a tabloid feature within a fairy-tale world.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Don't Eat Me Monologues
In this lesson plan, students will create a 5-part (introduction, 3 ideas, conclusion) monologue incorporating persuasive techniques and strong word choice.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Creative Convincing
In this lesson, students will create a friendly letter taking on the persona and voice of a persuasive animal.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Dialogue Adventures
In this lesson students will learn how to write dialogue in a particular voice.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Inventing Stories for Your Favorite Clothes
In this lesson learners will write descriptors for a clothes catalogue.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Three Voice Important Book Passages
A lesson plan made for students to write from various perspectives regarding the same topic. The mentor text entitled The Important Book is used, as students become more familiar with voice, point of view, persuasive techniques and the...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: What's Your Fifth Element?
In this lesson learners will write persuasively in regards to a 21st century object.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: The Wacky Advertisement (With Disclaimer) Activity
Inspired by Barry Lane's book 51 Wacky We-Search Reports, in this cross-curricular lesson students learn how to summarize properly.
Grammarly Handbook: Transitions and Transitional Devices
This Grammarly Handbook resource provides information about how to use transition words and transitional devices to connect sentences, paragraphs, and sections in an essay.
Grammarly Handbook: Writing Concisely
This page compares wordy writing to a art gallery cluttered with a mixture of great works and poor attempts making it hard to see the great works. Remove the clutter, write concisely so the reader gets the point of the paper. It offers...
Grammarly Handbook: Academic Writing: Specific Requirements
This page focuses on academic writing requriements and includes links to Argumentative (Persuasive) Writing, Essay Writing, and How to Write a Research Paper.
Bartleby Strunk's the Elements of Style's online version of William Strunk, Jr.'s classic reference book, "The Elements of Style."
Write Away: Finding Your Voice
This article, written by a college creative writing instructor, gives advice about developing a writer's voice. There are six sections with specific suggestions for improving your writing. While the source of this page is a site about...
The Write Place
Literacy Education Online: Avoiding Comma Splices and Run Ons
An informational page outlining the definitions and uses of comma splices, run-on sentences, and fused sentences. A great resource for students struggling with these in their writing.
Grammarly Blog: 5 Basic Proofreading Habits
A list of the five specific things to focus on when proofreading your writing.
Grammarly Blog: Consistent Point of View
This Grammarly Handbook resource reminds students how to write with a consistent point of view. Examples are provided to demonstrate how to fix a sentence that contains an inconsistent point of view.
University of Toronto (Canada)
University of Toronto: Unbiased Language
Resource acknowledges the changes in social awareness and how language is influenced by it. It presents suggestions as to how to avoid bias in writing. Some of the changes in terminology can have subtle differences in meaning. W.9-10.1d...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Punctuation and Style
A nine-slide presentation discussing how to use punctuation to create or reflect the author's style. W.9-10.1d Style/tone/conv
Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: The Item in a Series
This site is concerned with writing any kinds of items in a series. It verbally and graphically illustrates parallel structure, and shows how to punctuate a series.