University of Chicago
The University of Chicago: Roget's Thesaurus Search Form
Enter any word and get tons of words that mean the same thing (or close to it)
The Write Place
Literacy Education Online: How to Use a Thesaurus
A good overview of what a thesaurus is and how best to use one. Also includes the difference between the two forms of thesauri and explains how to choose the correct synonym to use. L.9-10.4c References
Wordsmyth: The Educational Dictionary Thesaurus
This site not only is a dictionary and a thesaurus, but it also has brain teasers and games.
Quia: Synonyms
In this game, students draw a line between synonyms in each column. Java is required.
Vocabulary University
My Vocabulary Word List for Business, Economics
This page provides links to over 3000 words for Business and Economics.
Vocabulary University
My Vocabulary Word List for Fine Arts
This page offers links to over 3000 words pertaining to Fine Arts.
Vocabulary University
My Vocabulary Word List for Science
This page offers vocabulary over 50 word lists pertaining to Science.
Vocabulary University
My Literature by Author Vocabulary Word List
This page offers a vocabulary word lists for classic novels organized by author.
Visual Thesaurus: Shades of Meaning
In this lesson, small groups of students will compete in a "shades of meaning" contest to see which group can use the Visual Thesaurus to help them match words with similar definitions but different connotations in the shortest amount of...
TES Global
Blendspace: Synonyms and Antonyms and a Little Thesaurus
This learning module provides assorted learning materials on synonyms and antonyms. It includes links to reference sheets and videos. Some worksheet and test links were not loading.
Study Ladder
Studyladder: Shades of Meaning
Interactive activity to help students differentiate shades of meaning among groups of words.
TES Global
Blendspace: Connotation/denotation
Work through links to activities, assessments, websites, and videos to learn about connotation and denotation.
Grammarly Blog: What Are Homophones?
This page explains homophones (words that sound alike, but have different spellings and meanings) and provides the most common examples.
Education Development Center
Tv411: Finding New Ways to Say Something
Use the activities on this site to review an understanding of synonyms and practice alphabetizing.
TES Global
Tes: Vocabulary Sorting Activity
[Free Registration/Login Required] Beginning readers or ELL/ESL/EL students. This reproducible tool can used to sort new vocabulary words into different categories.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Denotation and Connotation (English I Reading)
Distinguish between the denotative (dictionary) meaning of a word and its connotative (emotions or associations that are implied rather than literal) meaning. L.9-10.5b nuances
Other Homepage
To use the thesaurus at, simply type a word in the gold search box at the top of the page and click the 'Search' button. A list of synonyms and antonyms will be returned.
Oxford Dictionaries: Do You Know Your Ibles From Your Ables?
Rules and examples for words ending in the suffixes -able and -ible.
Organization for Community Networks
Ofcn: Horrid Homonyms
This site features a lesson plan for homonyms. Students and teachers will benefit in their speech and writing skills after tackling this activity.
Gcf Global: Homophones
Engage in this fun activity to learn all about homophones, which are words that sound alike but that are spelled differently and have different meanings.
University of North Carolina: Glossary of Literary Terms
This site is provided for by the University of North Carolina at Pembroke. Over forty literary terms defined by college students, each with thorough examples.
Quizlet: Literary Elements/humorous Fiction Terms Flashcards
Literary elements are included in this review exercise. Flashcards are provided for the following words: allusion, antagonist, dialogue, flashback, imagery, protagonist, symbol, dialect, hyperbole, idiom, irony, parody, pun, sarcasm,...
Learning Farm
Learning Farm: Common Core Standards: Dictionaries, Glossaries, Thesaurus
Learn about different reference materials such as dictionaries, glossaries, and thesauri to help you learn meanings of words, pronunciation, or parts of speech. View a short lesson then practice using Game Mode or Test Mode.
Ted Nellen
Cyber English (By Ted Nellen): Consonance
This is a glossary entry for the term "Consonance" including the defintion and an example.