Sophia Learning
Sophia: Vocab Tip: Test Yourself
A screencast lesson [5 mins, 30 secs] explaining how students can learn new vocabulary words by testing themselves over the words to discover what they know and what they need to know.
Education Development Center
Tv411: Finding New Ways to Say Something
Use the activities on this site to review an understanding of synonyms and practice alphabetizing.
Wisconsin Response to Intervention Center
Wisconsin Rt I Center: Interactive Word Walls [Pdf]
Classroom teachers will learn about interactive word walls, an engaging instructional strategy. Teachers will learn how to implement word walls, find research that supports the practice, and find examples.
Ad Key Literacy Component: Vocabulary
What's in a word? Mastery of oral and written vocabulary promotes comprehension and communication. Find out how proper instruction can help students who struggle with vocabulary.
Vocabulary University
My Presidents' Day
This page has a variety of vocabulary puzzles and activities using 36 vocabulary words on the topic of Presidents' Day. It also includes an extensive Vocabulary Word List for Presidents' Day (382 words) and ideas for President's Day...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Understand New Vocabulary Within Context (English 7 Reading)
You will learn how to determine or clarify the meaning of words using context within a sentence and in larger sections of text.
Vocabulary University
My Football: College and Pro
This is a list of 22 vocabulary words and a variety of interactive puzzles and activities on the theme of football at the college and pro levels. A list of 310 football words is also provided.
Vocabulary University
My Basketball March Madness
This page offers a variety of vocabulary puzzles and activities using vocabulary pertaining to basketball. It also provides an extensive Vocabulary Word List for Basketball (317 words).
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Developing Academic Language: Got Words?
This is a research-based article concerning how to best teach academic vocabulary. Research finds that most teachers assign and mention vocabulary, but to be effective, instruction must be direct and meaningful. Recommendations for...
Learning Farm
Learning Farm: Common Core Standards: Dictionaries, Glossaries, Thesaurus
Learn about different reference materials such as dictionaries, glossaries, and thesauri to help you learn meanings of words, pronunciation, or parts of speech. View a short lesson then practice using Game Mode or Test Mode.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Learn a Word: Science Vocabulary Acquisition
In this lesson plan, students use multiple sources to learn the meanings of science words, collaborating to create useful resources for learning and retaining science vocabulary. 100 Words Every Middle Schooler Should Know
This site contains a list of 100 words that middle school students need to know to ensure academic success. Teachers can digitally assign this list to their students to reinforce the spellings, pronunciations, and meanings of these words...
Bartleby Strunk's Elements of Style: Words and Expressions Commonly Misused
Common misused words are defined. Examples of how to use them correctly are provided. Some examples are "all right" to "would", "as good or better than", and "as to whether."
Wisconsin Response to Intervention Center
Wisconsin Rt I Center: Preview Vocabulary Words [Pdf]
Classroom teachers will learn about previewing vocabulary words, an important instructional strategy. Teachers will learn how to implement the previewing of vocabulary, find research that supports the previewing of vocabulary, and find...
Vocabulary University
My Back to School
This is a variety of vocabulary puzzles and activities using vocabulary words pertaining to going back to school. It also offers an extensive vocabulary word list for life skills and careers.
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: Activities for Teaching Vocabulary
This article focuses on the importance of teaching vocabulary and how to teach it effectively. It lists concepts that need to be considered when preparing to teach vocabulary such as prior knowledge, dictionary use, context clues, and...
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Use Precise Language and Domain Specific Vocabulary
This site provides 17 English language arts lessons for 7th grade. Grade-level standards are provided.
Louisiana Department of Education
Louisiana Doe: Louisiana Believes: Ela Guidebooks: Word Displays
This strategy helps students understand vocabulary as the read and refine their language skills in support of writing about texts.
Louisiana Department of Education
Louisiana Doe: Louisiana Believes: Ela Guidebooks: Semantic Mapping
A strategy for developing students' vocabulary by representing the concepts of words graphically. This helps refine their understanding of vocabulary to meet expectations in reading and language.
Ad Explicit Vocabulary Instruction
Vocabulary instruction is an important part of reading and language arts classes, as well as content-area classes such as science and social studies. By giving students explicit instruction in vocabulary, teachers help them learn the...
Weber State University: Misused Words and Phrases
A fun look at the wrong way to use the English language; includes many examples.
English Club
English Club: Learn English: Vocabulary: Topic Vocabulary Reference
Links to information and lists of English words and phrases by category. Includes information on the difference between a dictionary and thesaurus, synonyms and antonyms, confusing words, figures of speech, eponyms, euphemisms, sayings,...
English Club
English Club: Business Crossword 3
This EnglishClub crossword reviews vocabulary associated with the business world.