Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Analyze Various Texts With Similar Themes
In this lesson, you will make inferences and draw conclusions about similar themes across various genres by finding supporting evidence within each of the texts. This task will require you to use your analytical reading skills, and it...
University of Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin: Writing Center: Formatting Science Reports
This site outlines the necessary elements of a scientific report. The site is broken down into the follow segments: title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, and discussion. Within each section is a contents section as well as a...
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: Lesson Plans on Summary Writing Skills
This article focuses on how to help teachers write lesson plans that will aid students in learning to write clear, concise summaries of movies and literary works.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Writing Expository Text Summaries
This resource presents instructional practices for writing summaries of expository text in English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies classes.
Louisiana Department of Education
Louisiana Doe: Louisiana Believes: English Language Arts: Grade 7: The Giver
Seventh graders consider how individual perspectives are shaped by knowledge and memory. Through the study of dystopian literature and related texts, 7th graders will explore common themes, characters, and contrasting points of view....
Louisiana Department of Education
Louisiana Doe: Louisiana Believes: English Language Arts: Grade 7: Written in Bone
This unit focuses on learning the stories of our past. Students will explore various texts (literary and informational) and their unique perspectives on history to consider how different experiences offer a different historical...
Louisiana Department of Education
Louisiana Doe: Louisiana Believes: Ela Guidebooks: Summarizing
This strategy helps students refine their understanding of texts to meet reading expectations and prepare for writing about texts.
Ad lit.org: Classroom Strategies: Semantic Feature Analysis
The Semantic Feature Analysis strategy engages students in reading assignments by asking them to relate selected vocabulary to key features of the text. This technique uses a matrix to help students discover how one set of things is...
Ad lit.org: Previewing Texts in Content Classrooms
Textbook previewing strategies focus not only on the structure of the text - such as the table of contents, index, chapter introductions, and so forth - but on a content overview, which focuses on the concepts and questions covered in...
Ad lit.org: Pre Reading Activities for El Ls
Pre-reading activities can engage student interest, activate prior knowledge, or pre-teach potentially difficult concepts and vocabulary. They also offer a great opportunity to introduce comprehension components such as cause and effect,...
Ted Nellen
Cyber English (By Ted Nellen): Theme
This is a glossary entry for the term "Theme" including a definition and an example.
E Reading Worksheets
E Reading Worksheets: Main Idea: Test 1
In this reading test focusing on the main idea, students read passages and answer questions concerning the main idea.
E Reading Worksheets
E Reading Worksheets: Main Idea Reading Test 2
In this reading test focusing on the main idea, students read passages and answer questions concerning the main idea.
E Reading Worksheets
E Reading Worksheets: Text Structure: Test 3
In this text structure test, students read passages and select the correct text structure; they are sometimes asked to explain how the evidence to prove their selections.
E Reading Worksheets
E Reading Worksheets: Text Structure: Reading Test 4
In this text structure reading test, students read passages and select the pattern of organization used; they sometimes have to explain their reasons using evidence from the text.
Curated OER
Ccss Literacy E Handbook: Literature: Summarize
An explanation of summarizing a selection along with a link to a model summarizing activity.
Keys to Literacy: How to Write a Summary
Learn the seven steps to writing a summary of an informational text. Includes a summary template and completed examples.
Quia: Narrative Structure Elements
This reading resource provides vocabulary words with definitions. All words are related to the elements of narratives. A link to associated review activities is included.
Quia: Reading for Facts
This interactive quiz assesses students' reading comprehension skills of informational text passages. Students will read 30 short passages and answer question about a detail for each.
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: Journey North: Reading Strategies: Identify and Analyze Text Structure
Learn how to identify the text structures of chronological/sequence, cause/effect, problem/solution, compare/contrast, description, and directions by using a list of guiding questions.
Quia: Implied Main Idea
Read a short text and determine the main idea in this Battleship style learning game.
Quia: Main Idea 7th Grade Unit 1
Read a short text and then determine the main idea in this five question quiz.
Quia: Text Structure Practice Part #1
After reading key words and phrases, determine the correct text structure in this Rags to Riches style game.
Ad lit.org: Classroom Strategies: Summarizing
Summarizing teaches students how to take a large selection of text and reduce it to the main points for a more concise understanding. Upon reading a passage, summarizing helps students learn to determine essential ideas and consolidate...