Quizlet: Text Structure (7Th Grade) Match
Match each text structure term to its definition in this race against the clock.
Quizlet: Text Structure (7Th Grade) Learn
Type the term matching the definitions of five different text structures including description, problem/solution, compare and contrast, cause and effect, and sequence.
Quizlet: Text Structure: Match
In this interactive game, students match the types of text structure to their definitions.
Quizlet: Types of Details: Match
In this interactive game, students match the words having to do with types of details to their definitions.
Quizlet: Types of Details: Learn
In this interactive focusing on learning types of details, students type in the word to match the definition given.
Quizlet: Story Elements Quiz: 6th Grade Honors: Flashcards
These interactive flashcards provide definitions for different story elements.
Quizlet: Stated Main Idea, Inferred, Implied, Main Idea Match
Nonfiction reading terms are included in this review "Match" game. Questions are provided for the following words: stated main idea, inferred, implied, and main idea. Images of each of these nonfiction reading terms are also included.
Quizlet: Text Structure: Test
This is an interactive, 8-question, multiple choice quiz over text structure and patterns of organization.
Quizlet: Theme (Implicit vs. Explicit): Match
In this interactive, students match the terms related to theme with their definitions.
Quizlet: Theme (Implicit vs. Explicit) Flashcards
This interactive flashcard activity focuses on the terms implicit and explicit in reference to themes, including definitions and formulas.
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: Literature: Analyzing Theme
Article explains how to find the theme in a piece of literature by asking yourself a series of questions as you read. RL.9-10.1 Analyzing Theme. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.2
Class Flow: Finding the Main Idea & Inferences
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart will help student find the main idea in writing as well as make inferences while reading. There are 2 web quests embedded that has numerous exercises with sound. There is an Activote...
Quizlet: Text Structures: Definitions
Text structure definitions are provided on this page. Students will read the definitions of different text structures and then learn the corresponding definitions. Students can listen to the definitions and words read aloud. Students can...
Quizlet: Text Structures Definitions Match Game
This interactive game of "Match" assesses students' knowledge of text structure definitions. Students will match the correct definition of a text structure to its corresponding definition.
Thoughtful Learning: ccss.ela literacy.w.7.3.e
Choose a lesson or unit to teach how to write a conclusion to a narrative that reflects on the narrated experience.
Thoughtful Learning: ccss.ela literacy.rl.8.9
Use the following resources to teach students how to analyze a modern work of fiction that draws on themes, patterns of events, or character types from myths, traditional stories, or religious works such as the Bible, including...