Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Creative Convincing
In this lesson, students will create a friendly letter taking on the persona and voice of a persuasive animal.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Animals Not to [Verb] With
In this lesson, students will create 4 original poems within a particular rhythm and rhyme scheme.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Dialogue Adventures
In this lesson students will learn how to write dialogue in a particular voice.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Inventing Stories for Your Favorite Clothes
In this lesson learners will write descriptors for a clothes catalogue.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: What's Your Fifth Element?
In this lesson learners will write persuasively in regards to a 21st century object.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Between Repeated Lines
For this lesson students will write a poem about someone they love after they have brainstormed an original idea.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: The Wacky Advertisement (With Disclaimer) Activity
Inspired by Barry Lane's book 51 Wacky We-Search Reports, in this cross-curricular lesson students learn how to summarize properly.
Grammarly Handbook: Sentence Structure
Tips on how to vary sentence structure to strengthen writing.
Grammarly Handbook: Informalities
A list of style techniques (with examples) used to create an informal tone in a written piece.
Writing Scientific Reports
This tutorial site provides links to articles about writing a scientific report or essay as well as to sample essays.
Grammarly Handbook: Academic Writing: Specific Requirements
This page focuses on academic writing requriements and includes links to Argumentative (Persuasive) Writing, Essay Writing, and How to Write a Research Paper.
Grammarly Handbook: Basic Mechanics
This page focuses on the basic mechanics of writing including links to Genre, Thinking, Methods of Reasoning, Evidence, and Citation.
Bartleby.com: Strunk's the Elements of Style
Bartleby.com's online version of William Strunk, Jr.'s classic reference book, "The Elements of Style."
Write Away: Finding Your Voice
This article, written by a college creative writing instructor, gives advice about developing a writer's voice. There are six sections with specific suggestions for improving your writing. While the source of this page is a site about...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: A Poem for Two Voices [Pdf]
In this lesson students write in contrasting voices to create a descriptive poem.
Georgia Perimeter College: Learning and Tutoring Center: Communications Handouts
This index provides links to educational resources on various English topics. Some topics included are related to punctuation, parts of speech, usage, different types of writing, and analytical questions for various genres of literature.
Grammarly Blog: How to Write Better Essays: 5 Concepts You Must Master
This blog article discusses essay writing including thesis development, strong form, style, conventions, and support and references.
Grammarly Blog: Consistent Point of View
This Grammarly Handbook resource reminds students how to write with a consistent point of view. Examples are provided to demonstrate how to fix a sentence that contains an inconsistent point of view.
Colorado State University
Colorado State Writing Center: Business Letters: Format
This resource gives guidelines to how to construct the proper business letter format. Complete with detailed instructions and examples.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Punctuation and Style
A nine-slide presentation discussing how to use punctuation to create or reflect the author's style. W.9-10.1d Style/tone/conv
Designing a Readable User Manual
An article with information and strategies for technical document writing. More article under "Resources".
Capital Community College Foundation
Guide to Grammar and Writing: Tone: A Matter of Attitude
This site focuses on tone and audience with examples.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: How to Write a Personal Narrative (English 7 Writing)
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] Learn prewriting strategies in order to write with a clearly defined focus for your narrative.